Mad Man Mike's Chat with Cameron Crowe

Recently, I had the chance to ask Cameron Crowe a few questions during a chat on AOL. If you are ever on AOL or want to reach me at that account, my username is

**The answer to my second question was just PUBLISHED in the March 14, 1997 issue of Entertainment Weekly on page 84!! Isn't that incredibly cool??**

"Jerry Maguire" was nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor for Tom Cruise, Best Supporting Actor for Cuba Gooding, Jr. And of course, Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen for Cameron Crowe. Crowe's career started at a young age when he became a staff writer for "Rolling Stone" at 16. At 22, he returned to high school to research "Fast Times at Ridgemont High," which became a best-selling novel and a hit film. He also directed "Say Anything" and "Singles."

Here is an excerpt from the transcript with the two question asked by YOURS TRULY and the responses:

AOL Host : Mike00Mike is curious...

Question : Did you ever wish you had a different job? Or did you always want to make movies and write screenplays...

Cam Crowe : Good question, Mike... when I first started, I thought that I would be happiest writing articles and books. I sort of fell into directing, with "Say Anything." It wasn't until "Jerry Maguire" that I felt I could actually write on screen, as a director. It was a real revelation to finally be comfortable in the middle of all the chaos that directing brings. So now all I want to do is write and direct.

AOL Host : Mike00Mike returns for a follow up..

Question : What do you think of the catch phrase "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" appearing everywhere as a common phrase? It seems like whenever I turn on the TV someone in a sitcom or commercial is using it...How did it originate?

Cam Crowe : Welcome back, Mike. I am a fool for research, I do a lot of it, for everything I write. For "Jerry Maguire," I hung out around the NFL off and on for a few years. One of the guys I met was strong safety Tim McDonald, now of the 49ers, who casually said it to me one day. He said "My contract is up this year, and they're going to have to show me the money to get me to stay." He didn't chant it, or use it as a slogan, it was just a thing he said in conversation, but the words always stuck with me. Because he said it in such a noble way. He had been beaten up for five years, and had a bad contract and wanted what he deserved. Later, when I wrote the script, I put the words in Rod Tidwell's mouth... and somehow, it came out as a War Cry. I love that people use it, and I hope they know that it's not about just $$$$$$$, it's about love and respect. It's about the KWAN. Which is better than just money...

This portion of the transcript ©1997 America On-Line, all rights reserved.

OK, that's all!! Sorry to disappoint you if you were looking for more... I think Mr. Crowe is ONE COOL DUDE, so go out and see all of his movies when you get the chance.

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