Mad Man Mike's Picture Page
Mad Man Mike's
Picture Page I

Welcome to my page of pictures that I scanned... Do you know how tough it is to find a scanner?!? Anyways, these are some RANDOM recent photos that I have with yours truly in them, along with some of my friends (friends? what friends?! Hee hee..).

Note: the quality of these pics is much better if you save them and then view them with some other program, such as PhotoShop, PaintShop, or whatever you have!

Here is a picture of me, Mark, and Robyn (in that order) at Six Flags Theme Park in New Jersey... We took off for a few days last summer and drove on down, and we had a really cool time. Did you ever want to just take off and go someplace fun just for the hell of it? That's what we did. Anyways, I hope we go back sometime- most of the rides are great, and the animal safari is cool too.

Senior Picture
Here's the photo that ended up in the yearbook, with the quote "it's the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine". It looks like I'm dressed up all fancy, but I was really wearing a pair of shorts.

Good 'ole Boston, Massachusetts.. fifteen minutes down the road. I have been there a million times, and yet I still am lost when I go there. Ya gotta watch out when driving in Boston- people like to jump out right in front of the car. To me, that is just asking for death, so I just drive right over them. Thump, thump. Special thanks to Robyn for sending me the cool card that had this photo on the front.

Sittin' on the Fence
Here's Mary and I happily posing for a picture on a fence in Central Park during a trip to NYC... wow, aren't we cool. We look like a couple of dorks! Oh well, too bad. After this picture was taken we were mugged, and everything was stolen except the camera.

This is Artistic!
Here's an odd picture of me from this past summer. It was taken at the summer camp I was a counselor at while I was mashed to the ground with some kid on my back. Thanks for taking the pic, Susan.

This was expertly taken by Mark while I was hurling through the water on Lake Sunapee at Kevin's cottage in NH... I chose this picture over the one in which I wipped out for obvious reasons.

Hope you enjoyed my pictures! Lemme know what you thought- email me!!
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