
On this dirty, dusty, garbaged planet, some people waits for their inevitable deaths, wasting time in sin, misery and promiscuity. You may find here any kind of grief, pain and evil. But here is no such thing as fun.


If you are inflexible optimist, click here:

Viktor Pelevin, probably the best alive Russian writer.

Here liveGusary

And Mit'ki.

There are only links. But recently I got sick. My desease is, say, graphomania. And I dared to place here some imbecile things. Don't mind it.

I am very simple!!!


The shortest and easiest English-Russian textbook.
Do you want to drink?

I koe-chto po russki

Rasskazy o El'tsine kak kraeugol'nyj kamen' novoj rossijskoj idei.
Kto upravlyaet fizicheskim mirom?
A eshche ya sochinyayu limeriki Opyat' zhe, tam est' gnusnosti...
Nado li legalizovyvat' mat? Transliteraciya i WIN kodirovka. Nervnym luchshe syuda ne zaglyadyvat'.

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