Ilia Kulik

J. Barry Mittan©




He cryed for the first time :May, 23 -1977

Height: 6'1" (1,85 cm)

Weight: 156 lbs (71 kg)

At the lucky city of: Moscow , Russia

Mommy: Nadezhda

Daddy: Alexandr

Sister: Svetlana (swimmer)

Ilia is the current Olympic champion! Of course, with that jumps "lighter than the air",that great speed and lightness across the ice...And above all : TALENT! Ilia was (also) considered one of the most handsome guy (betwen 50 other) of the world! The fans knows it for sure! He has one great fan club (which i am a member) "the krew". You can check out The official site of the Krew right here . The site is not all done yet, but, better you keep that on your bookmark. For those who doesn't know, Ilia is much more than a good skater, he is a sweet heart that cares about his fans. He usualy answers to all e-mails that comes from his fans. And also the notes on AOL's IM. FOR ME he is a guardian angel! People who knows me, knows exactally what I am talking about, when I hear he is not ok or something, I don't sleep untill hear from him that he is ok etc etc.


J. Barry Mittan.

He is in hawai (again)

He denied he's dating Katia Gordeeva

J. Barry Mittan©

fun fact...

Ilia broke one of his blades during the pratice in lausanne,prior to the start ofthe men's event.His mom dashed to the airport with a replacement blade,wich gave to Tamara Moskvina who was en route to worlds. Tamara then safely delivered it to the cutie Ilia !


This Ilia Kulik's Webring site is owned by Adélia Fernanda.
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