The Stanley Cup Page

The Holy Grail of Hockey.

The Stanley Cup is what it's all about. Players dream about it, some coaches (Mike Keenan) are obsessed with it to the point they ruin teams, but fans are simply in awe of it. The cup was first presented in 1893 to the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association and the Detroit Red Wings in 1997. There are many stories that travel along with the cup with more added each year.

This is usually the celebration that comes at the end of the season. One team with the Cup. So many have tried and failed, yet some prevail over and over again. The ceremony begins with the commissioner presenting the Cup to the winning team's Captain. In 1995, Scott Stevens from the New Jersey Devils held the Cup first.

In 1997, Brendan Shanahan lead the Detroit Red wings to the Stanley Cup over the Philadelphia Flyers.

The Cup tours the country every year. This picture was taken in St Louis during the 1996 NHL entry draft.

The Stanley Cup even makes special trips to talk shows. Here David Letterman gets a refill on his tasty beverage from the Stanley Cup with help from the 1995 Cup winners the New Jersey Devils.

As you can hopefully see from this page, I point no fingers. I am a avid St. Louis Blues fan, yet I cheered for the Red Wings in the 1997 playoffs. I am a Hockey fan. I have but one prejudice. I am from the St. Louis area, therefore I HATE MIKE KEENAN.

His shiny head makes me wanna puke. This picture is from his long awaited return to St. Louis. I was at this game. Many fans gave him gifts for his return (most envolving a hand gesture made famous by NYC cabbies). St. Louis truly loves to hate him.

The spirit, the will to win, the will to excel, these are the things that endure and these are the qualities, of course, that are so much more important than any of the other events that occur -Vince Lombardi

For more information on the Stanley Cup and the other NHL awards, visit the Hockey Hall of Fame

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All images and some information on this and the following pages were taken out of good will from other pages throughout the web. If offended, please contact me at