Eureka's Tecmo Bowl Hall of Fame

In this portion of our website we are going to take the space and time to recognize those players that just seem to do it all. These guys can come up with some of the most unbelievable plays that you have ever seen, they play with all thier heart, and leave it all on the field. This is where they will recieve thier glory

We have become stagnent in the league, partly because Jason has 25 credit hours in the sping semester, and partly due to Andrew's pricking incident. So with a halt in the season, we are going to go now and induct the players that are worthy in to the Hall of fame.

Class of '98

  1. Martin Mayhew CB Buccaneers

    If anyone is deserving of Hall of Fame recognition it is this guy. There is never a game that he dosn't show he belongs. Every season we've had a player in the NFC Central. He has made a living against those players. He personally averages over two interceptions a game against Brian #2. That may be one reason for his defection to the AFC in the third season.

  2. Warren Moon

    We didn't see him much in the first season, and reigning league MVP was benched after the first game of season #3. All of those should detract from his Hall of Fame status, but it does not matter. He was in the zone for all of Season #2. he AVERAGED over 500 yards a game. Moon set league passing records that most likely will never be broken. It was a short but glorious career, and now he is imortalized for it.