7-1-99 3.0.2 release notes

-fix for banner dll to not load after user is registered
-fix for multiple file rename
-fix for multiple file chmod
-various tiny bug fixes

6-9-99 3.0 release notes

-Explorer Integration
Drag and drop copy/move from, to, and within CuteFTP panes and from
Windows. Only operation currently not supported is remote to Explorer
drag, and remote to remote file copy (only move supported).

-MP3 and File Search
You can now search for music and other files with the integrated
searcher. Launch it from FTP>CuteFTP MP3 & file search (on menu bar).
Searcher allows for multi-site searches and integrates with the
Persistent Downloading feature. 

CuteFTP will now use you RAS/DUN or LAN to connect after a broken
transfer due to session disconnects. 

-Auto-Reconnect and Resume Transfers
ALWAYS get the file(s) you were downloading/uploading. Most requested
feature ever. CuteFTP detects for broken transfers, slow transfers, and
power outages, and compensates accordingly.

-Right-Click Shell Integration
Want to upload files and folders right from Windows without seeing
CuteFTP? You can now right click files or folders on your Desktop or
Explorer and then click 'CuteFTP >[site name]'. You can tag various
sites in your Site Manager (edit/advanced screen), or add new ones from
the right-click shell menu Connection Wizard. 

-Queue is not Site Dependent
Tag files from multiple sites for later transfer. You can grab files
from various sites, disconnect, shutdown, come back the next day and
still transfer all the files. You can now start a multi-session
transfer, go to bed, and then EXPECT to have the files on your Desktop
in the morning. You can also add files, browse local drives and
rearrange the order of the queue during a transfer.

-More queue changes
Apart from all other queue changes, you can now edit, load, and save the
queue. These commands are located in the Queue menu.

-CuteHTML fully integrated into CuteFTP
You can remote edit single or multiple files with CuteHTML from MULTIPLE
sessions. It remembers where the files are from, and uploads
accordingly. Right click to edit files, then when you are done editing
in CuteHTML, click on File>Save to remote or File>Save all to remote.

-CuteFTP Connection Wizard
Wizard added to help first time users setup their FTP access. Many
default ISPs added, which automatically determines label and ftp
domain. Provides a very intuitive interface.

-Local Pane Combo Box redone
Completely re-written drop down box in local pane.

-Many bug fixes & minor features added
Delete to recycle bin toggle, PASV mode toggle for individual sites,
prompts on errors and disconnects, queue sorting, customizable log font,
text for toolbar buttons, floating toolbar, queue reset, plus others 
too numerous to list. 

***********OTHER RELEASE NOTES***********

CuteFTP v3.0.27 beta issues and fixes
-Searcher add to queue after deleted from queue problem-FIXED
-Monitor clipoard now supports redirected URLs -ADDED
-Many small bug fixes and features enhancements made -FIXED & OPTIMIZED

CuteFTP v3.0.19 beta issues and fixes 
-New registration key system in place -ADDED
-Paste URL now supports address without the ftp:// header -OPTIMIZED
-Paste URL and Monitor Clipboard utilize queue for transfers -OPTIMIZED
-Right-click shell integration multiple CuteFTP> entries bug -FIXED
-Ratio site queue transfers won't disconnect and reconnect (losing credits) if is same site -OPTIMIZED
-Various queue crashes -FIXED
-Stop button works correctly -FIXED
-Many fixes to Searcher -OPTIMIZED & FIXED
-Update searcher option -ADDED
-Many resources changes -OPTIMIZED
-Various queue fixes -OPTIMIZED & FIXED
-Overall, more then 100 small changes to 3.0.19, program is VERY stable.

CuteFTP v3.0.15 beta issues and fixes 
-Settings are now stored in registry for better control -OPTIMIZED
-3D progress bar restored -ADDED
-Systray icon shows progress of transfer -ADDED
-Cut, Copy, and Paste added (under Directory menu) - ADDED
-Toggle added to show bytes or kbytes -ADDED
-Shift plus arrow keys select items in queue added -ADDED
-Modifiable user@site command for firewalls -OPTIMIZED
-Some resource changes made -OPTIMIZED
-Ftp:// header supported in Site Manager Edit Screen -FIXED
-Toolbar changes -OPTIMIZED
-Spaces in remote path spawn session problem -FIXED
-Disappearing description field -FIXED
-Some directory names not showing correctly -FIXED
-Directory compare problems -FIXED
-Site Manager now supports delete button -ADDED
-Files with double extensions transferring in wrong mode -FIXED
-0 bytes file overwrite bug -FIXED
-Some macro changes -FIXED

CuteFTP v3.0.11 beta issues and fixes 
-Memory and CPU usage problems -FIXED & OPTIMIZED
-CuteFTP won't display files if group name and/or filename are to long -FIXED
-Floating toolbar remaining visible after minimize to systray -FIXED
-Disappearing 'Description' field problem -FIXED
-Download button hot/cold status problem -FIXED
-Enable/Disable Monitor Clipboard not taking effect until restart -FIXED
-Right-click shell integration use causes CuteFTP to forget frame positions -FIXED
-Permission Denied box not always showing properly -FIXED
-Problem with CuteFTP interpreting descriptions as directory names -FIXED
-CuteFTP now tries APPE for resuming uploads, and then REST if APPE fails -OPTIMIZED
-Directory comparison results only adding displayed files to queue problem -FIXED
-Queue now allows you to add files while session is transferring -ADDED
-Browse local directories while transferring queue bug -FIXED
-PASV mode now separate from firewall function, and can be toggled separately from SM/Edit screen -FIXED
-Size and frame positions remembered -FIXED
-Remote to remote drag-drop overwrite confirmation -ADDED
-Spawn session bug fixed. New session ignores queue entries in registry for previous instance -FIXED & OPTIMIZED

CuteFTP v3.0.6 beta issues and fixes 
-Kernel32.dll:GetDiskFreeSpaceExA bug -FIXED
-Can't connect dialog now has toggle switch -FIXED
-IP address with leading "0" incorrect parse -FIXED
-File size display in queue when adding multiple files -FIXED
-CuteFTP remains proportional when resizing (long awaited fix) -FIXED
-Resize queue columns now keeps position -FIXED
-CuteFTP remembers aborted download due to power outage -ADDED.
-Open viewer and open html editor dialogs -FIXED
-Setting added to toggle '20 bytes in X seconds' for auto-retry -ADDED
-Reset (right click) any canceled queue items -ADDED

    Source: geocities.com/colosseum/stadium/2529

               ( geocities.com/colosseum/stadium)                   ( geocities.com/colosseum)