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The Kinsale Tavern  
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The Kinsale Tavern - home to fine food, excellent beer and The New York Liverpool Supporters Club.
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redarrow.gif (64 bytes) The Kinsale Tavern
   For those members and supporters in the New York area, we now go to the Kinsale Tavern for all Liverpool games. The Kinsale is between 93rd and 94th street on Third Avenue (phone: 212 348-4370).
   We want to enhance The Kinsale's reputation as the only bar in New York for Liverpool supporters to watch their team in. The Kinsale offers the opportunity to be in the company of other Liverpool supporters and to enjoy a friendly bar, many TV's including an excellent 7 footer, a large flat screen TV, many regular TV's, and a really fine breakfast. They have an outstanding selection of 25 draft beers (and 75 bottles), including a seriously good pint of Guinness. Click on the photo below for some photos taken during RAOTL's trip to The Kinsale.

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The official site of the LFCNYCSC. Details of all games screened live at The Kinsale here.

New York Reds outside The Kinsale

More Kinsale photos

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The Kinsale has an outstanding selection of draft beers (Boddington's, New Castle Brown, Sam Adams, Sam Adams Summer Ale, Woodpecker Cider, Kelly's Cider, Tennent's, Caffrey's, Carlsberg, Amstel, John Courage Amber, Heineken, Pilsner Urquell, Anchor Liberty, Anchor Steam, Black Star, Stella Artois, Celis White, Spaten Munich, Harp, Bass, Bud, Guiness, Wild Goose Spring Wheat, Killians Red, Coors Light, Sierra Nevada Pale, Red Hook ESB, Warsteiner, Murphy's Amber, Murphy's Stout, O'Douls), including a seriously good pint of Guinness.

© Red All Over The Land 1999