Hgeocities.com/csd-denmark/Generelt/CSD-NewsLetter-English.htmlgeocities.com/csd-denmark/Generelt/CSD-NewsLetter-English.htmldelayedxJphoOKtext/htmlpLob.HThu, 17 Jun 2004 21:18:54 GMTDMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *~Jo CSD NewsLetter (English)

CSD NewsLetter
... for members of Callers' Society Denmark

Here you can see some articles, mostly in Danish but also some in English, from the CSD NewsLetter editions:

To be able to read .pdf files you will have to install the program Adobe Reader.
Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free at Adobe Reader.

CSD NewsLetter
is publiched four times a year in the month of March, June, September, and December by
Callers' Society Denmark

In about 150 copies.


Max Fris
Lykkensdalsvej 161
DK-8220 Brabrand, Denmark
Tel/Fax: +45 8626 0251
eMail: max.fris@sol.dk
My web site: www.oocities.org/max-fris/

If you have some interesting articles about calling, you are very welcome to have it published in CSD NewsLetter.
Please send an eMail or a disc.
Deadlines: Feb. 15 - May 15 - Aug. 15 - Nov. 15

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