April 5, 2000



Just breathe. That's what they always tell me. It's not that I'm a stressful person, it's more that I'm focused on what could go wrong.

It's Wednesday and I've had a cold for about a week. I don't like being sick. I can't stand staying home in bed . I can't stand just lying there staring up at the ceiling. ... I have to get up and go to work. . . . the world could come to an end if I don't sit at my desk and push paper... you never know... it could. So once again I find myself hearing that word 'Breathe' only this time it's that need for oxygen that pulses through my mind. All week long I've kept moving. The model of an anti-still-life photo, moving ... but not quite alive...it's become a blur... one minute I'm here ... the next I'm back somewhere else. This cold will go away.. I'll feel more like myself... the boxes of Kleenex, strewn along my traveled paths, will be replaced with other more to the moment needed objects... but for today, I have to believe... my work will shape the world.

I'm not afraid... are you?
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