October 3,2001


Siblings ...

I have five siblings. Two brothers and three sisters ... all older ... not old ... just older. I have two half sisters from my fathers first marriage. I didn't grow-up with them. That's not the point of this chapter. No ... the point of this chapters is that siblings never grow-up.

Siblings don't grow-up. I remember my brother as a teenager. Fixing his cool car and when he got that new stereo. He had a lot of Albums and some 8 tracks too. Now his daughter is off to college, and his youngest is in high school.
He's still the same person.
This goes for my oldest sister too. I remember her 45's playing on the green record player (not a stereo). I remember the hair curlers and the dippy teenage phone calls. Now she has a daughter older than my wife. She's still the same big sister in my mind.

All my siblings have grown older ... but they have never stopped being my brothers and sisters. They never aged in my views. They will always be the same age. My middle sister will always be the one that breaks my toys and my youngest sister will always be my little sister. I remember them all so clearly. This is in part because their faces are all still right there ... underneath a few wrinkles.

Brothers and sisters are always brothers and sisters ... no matter how old you are and no matter how few years it seems have passed.

I can still hear the music.

Today my siblings work will change the world ... Are you afraid?

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