July 13,2004


Taking Phonic Pictures.

I have this friend whom prompted me to find out why music is so important to me … no actually she’ll be very quick to point out, that we are not friends. She will tell you that we are doing life together. You see ... she’s married and she doesn’t believe she can be a friend with any other guys. Don’t get me wrong … there is nothing romantic about she and I. She’s just got some ways of looking at the way people interact that are a little beyond the left field foul line.

I listen to music and it reminds me of things that have happened .. kind of like an audio photo album. I know that most everyone thinks of where they were when they first heard that song .. but for me it’s more. I see the scenes play out. I feel the emotions and it’s not just the first time I hear a song ... it’s often many of the times I’ve hear it… I keep track of time by music. Songs are like dates on the calendar … they’re like birthday parties with notes instead of balloons. I remember people not by what their names are, but by what music was playing around them at the time.

I have a friend who thinks that music is just sounds all mix together … of course she thinks we’re doing life.

Today the songs that you hear will change the world … I have no fear… only love.

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