January 11,2005


Total Loser

I was washing my car the other day, when a semi-homeless man walked up to me. He started to tell me of how unlucky he has been and proceeded to try and convince me to see things his way in such that I should give him money.

Although I consider myself to be a lucky person, I feel that luck has a lot to do with how hard you try. The harder I try, the luckier I am. … Yes I believe there is such thing as dumb blind luck … and I’ve been the recipient of much … however this man from his appearance, has never tried very hard at anything. And his weak performance at trying to win my feelings of sympathy was not a very convincing effort either. As he walked away he called me a Total Loser. Most people would have been offended at this undeserved name-calling .. but I just stopped and thought … “Yes I am a Total Loser. Thank You for noticing.” And That's just what I told him.
We’re all total losers in some form. Have you ever met someone whom has achieved everything they have aspired to do? Topped ever goal without effort? Been on the winning team every time?

I’m not one of those people.
I set goals. Many I achieve. Some I don’t. So in that … I’m a Total Loser. Or am I? If all my goals were met, I wouldn’t have any reason to wake up in the morning. If I won at everything, I would not know how good it felt to win after a loss. I wouldn’t have any reason to take the chance at meeting new people or going to new places or trying new things.
How boring.
Being a Total Winner would suck.
I thing I would rather be a loser, whom keeps on trying new things … success or failure.

Maybe that man that walked away from me while I was washing my car was a total winner, but I think he was most likely a Total Loser.

Today my Losing will change the world that we all live in. Maybe I'll win some too.

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Copyright © 2005 William Daughl
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