December 12,2006


Running out of Chaos ...

I’ve come to the realization that my life is full of crud. .. for lack of a better word.
I struggle everyday to get the things done that need to be done. I feel so tired. I shouldn’t need to struggle. I realize that not everything is easy. .. yes I know that. But living our own lives day to day should be fun, rewarding, even challenging but not a cruddy struggle that exhaust us.

‘My toolbox is more like a junk draw’.

Figuratively we all have toolboxes to help us live our lives. Not an actually ‘Craftsman Upright Steel ‘ with ‘Magna Roller Wheels’ … but an assortment of thing like clothes, cellphones and cars etc… that we use each day to make the dreams we have come true.
Well mine is full of JUNK. I struggle,( there’s that word again) to do simple things each day. Each day it seems I’m a little more behind.

I like life to be simple, enjoyable and rewarding beyond the paycheck. My life is not. It’s full of to do lists, bills that need to get paid, things that need to be repaired and messes that need to get cleaned up. My car needs to be washed inside and out. It needs to be tuned up and the radio is broken. I used to have a clean car that was well tuned and I could sing along with the music.

I know that it sounds like I complaining. I’m not. I’m searching for a method of sorting this mess out, to move forward. I don’t want to blame, explain, analyze or make excuses. I just want the crud, the chaos the sludge, the Junk Drawesque, to improve.
I want to assemble a brilliant machine of my life using my toolbox.

Today my world will change my work.
I’m not afraid and neither should you be.
I’m returning to the balance.
The Machine will run.


'Equilibre,pour l'amour de trilogie L

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