January 17th 2004
Ah geez... Almost an entire year since I updated this place :o. Well, no one gave me any suggestions on what to add :| Dont be afraid to ask because I seriously do not know what else to add to this site. Contact me at dbzultra23@yahoo.com and tell me, like I have said before.FONT>
Febuary 4th 2003
Okay I have not updated in forever! I still need some suggestions on what to add to my site so don't be afraid to ask me at dbzultra23@yahoo.com . Now there is news that I should have had earlier that now DBZ is not new anymore...They should have more new epidodes. Well I will try to be updating more often. I will probably be updating my images since they are kinda messed up right now :\. Well just remember if you want anything added to the site I will be glad to add it if possible.
June 15th 2002
Alright I finally put up my new layout. I am not sure what to update so if you have any sugestions tell me them by e-mailing me at dbzultra23@yahoo.com or tell me in my guestbook.
May 8th 2002
Man its been a LONG time since I updated! Well I didn't really update but I just wanted you to know that I am not closing down this site or anything. I will update this site a lot more as soon as school gets out. Which for me is June 11th. C ya.
November 10th 2001
my new layout isnt finished but you can check out my new layout at www.oocities.org/dbzultra23
October 8th 2001
Well I finally got a new layout i still have to put links on it but it will be up in a few days.
September 29th 2001
I don't know how long it will take for my new layout...... so sorry if it takes a while for me to get it. I added a new afilliate . The site is called Saiyan Nation. Its a cool site check it out!
September 21st 2001
Well i am probably getting my layout in a few days! it will be a lot better than this one. I also added chibi kakarotto to my afilliates check it out its an awesome site!
September 14th 2001
The reason I have not been updating is because school is making it hard to update my site. I added some affiliates and I also am looking for a new layout. If you could help me find one my e-mail address is dbzultra23@yahoo.com.
August 27th 2001
Today I put Card Scans, Screen Savers and a contact us page. I also put back the pictures page. Its kinda messed up but I am not finished with it yet.I also added some affiliates. 
August 26th 2001
I am back from vacation now.As you can see chibitrunks's world put an encyclopedia on my page.But i have to start school so i will update this site sometimes,but not as much... And also i am sorry about my picture page I am going to make the pics thumbnail instead so It will take me a while.....
August 18th 2001
I will be on vacation and not be able to update my site until about a week or so. So e-mail chibitrunksworld instead of me if you have any questions. His e-mail is goldboy389@aol.com
August 12th 2001
Today I Made a new layout tell me if you like it at dbzultra23@yahoo.com