
"I had to cuss you out just to get you out of bed!"- Jacob

"Who am I? You don't even know my name."- Jacob

"He dances like a mother!!"- Jacob (talking about Dan in the movie theater)

"The braids exhibit my thug side, ya know?"- Jacob

"You're never vacuuming again!"- Jacob

"Hey Ikaika, what's your brothers number? I need to ask you some questions."- Jacob

"I know we're going to fight, I know we're going to make up, and I know we're going to have some sweet sweet lovin"-Jacob to Ashley

"We're in the Ghetto." (L.A)

"I don't feel sorry for Ikaika one bit, he's 21 years old and he's letting his daddy and his brother tell him what to do"-Jacob

"I'm such a professional, I'm such a professional..."-Jacob (imitating Erik)

"Ikaika's telling us that we don't know anything about fitness. Like he does."-Jacob

"You wanna go there?!"-Jacob ( to Ikaika )

"Doin' a little washi wash"-Jacob ( at the salon)

"Lets see who can open their mouths the longest... Ahhhhh..."-Jacob (on Lou's speeding boat)

"We're not saying our story is the same as every other group's story."-Jacob

"I cannot trust my career in your hands."-Jacob (to Ikaika)

"Our first concert was great. Lots of screaming, but hey! they love us."-Jacob

"I knew it, ever since me and Ikaika resolved the issue between us, I put him in the five."-Jacob

"Settle? I hate settling."-Jacob

"There is no thing that says O-Town has to do what everybody else is doing."-Jacob

"My goal was to have a record contract by the time I was 21."-Jacob

"We all realize that Erik is being irresponsible with him self and by being with this band day in and day out, he will haveto change, he'll change."-Jacob

"Do you seem to be getting it? Ya it's tight huh. I like the beat. bah bah bah pa bah bah pa pa boom pa."-Jacob

"We've been working on this dance for 3 weeks we should've been finished and done with this 2 weeks ago... give me a break!!!!"-Jacob

"It's so easy to get that guy mad."-Jacob ( about Jay )

"In the last episode of 'Making the Band' I fell out of my chair."-Jacob

"When I make a mistake, I dwell on it." "I will not let it happen again."-Jacob

"Lou said if we didn't have the final mixes on the songs, not to bring any back at all..... What's that about?"-Jacob

"We were talking about boy bands, and Tony said 'This is no boy band you've ever seen. These guys will scare you.'"-Jacob (after recording session with Tony Harrison)

"You're words mean nothing to me."-Jacob

"I'll be your king cause you are my queen..."("All For Love")

"Dan doesn't have an ego like Erik which is something I absolutely dispise"-Jacob

(After the preformance)"A girl was screaming out "I LOVE YOU!" and she didn't even know my name..."

"Coming in here I wanted to have more songs on the albem written by us."-Jacob

"....a dance step is a lack of focus, if you don't do it, it's because you forgot to. You don't forget not to crack!"-Jacob

(Erik asked if Jacob really thought he could sing after just being forced out of bed) "I didn't think you could sing anyway!"

"Both of them.. gosh.. he needs to chill out a lil!"-Jacob

"Give Me A Break!!!"-Jacob

"Don't ever call yourself a professoinal again if you can't get out of bed to practice"-Jacob (to Erik)

"We'll tell you when to sing, we'll tell you how to sing, we'll tell you how to dance, we're gettin' people to show you how to dance, what to dance, what to wear, what to look like." Jacob- to Mark

"We need to hire you full time"-(before other end has picked up)
"Hey wassup"-(after other end has picked up)

"Casue they didn't think we could bust out two songs."-Jacob to all
"BAMM!"-Dan to Jacob

"OH MY GOD we're working undewr Clive Davies."-Jacob

"Although we didn't earn it, we have to prove that we've got the right to be here."-Jacob

"Ikaika...I think were corrupting him."-Jacob to the guys

"You know what...i think i'm gonna make my own band."-Jacob to erik and Ashley

"Wow...I'm on a TV show." -Jacob (after he made the eight)

"If it's not real music, then I'll leave." -Jacob

"I was never really friends with him. I just dealt with it."-Jacob (about Ikaika)

"We're working really hard, we've got really good songs, we're writing really good songs for the album. We know we're going to have a good album." -Jacob

"We just try to remember that we're in this for the long run."-Jacob

                                                    more quotes? M@il me: ashleyluver@gmx.net