"Everyone I want you to meet my girlfriend...oh..I don't have one!"- Trevor

"I got a big butt"- Trevor

"I'm just like milk chocolate."- Trevor

"They're like 'ya ya ya'..... I start to speak and they're like "shhh."- Trevor

"Life long dreams are hard to come by."- Trevor

"Oh by the way, my arm swings down like this, every once in awhile. Wild arm thing..."- Trevor

"I'd like you all to meet my girlfriend......uuuhhhh...i dont have one." Trevor to Lou

"I look like a girl!!!!!!"-Trevor

"I'm Erik Estrada, too cool for that."-Trevor

"Did I say I wanted them to come? no? I said can WE have OUR time to OURSELVES and then everyone shows up!"-Trevor to the guys

"Ikaika was great... but its like Dan is meant to be here."-Trevor

"I never thought of dropping out. I miss home as much as Ikaika, just because I love my friends and family so much. But I never thought about quitting...ever!" -Trevor

"A girlfriend has to love to dance and have a great sense of humour, because I'm a jokester and don't embarrass easily." -Trevor

"Even at our first performance at the House of Blues, I wasn't nervous, I was just psyched. It's weird..I don't get nervous at all." -Trevor

"They can't believe it when I tell them all the new stuff that is happening." -Trevor (about his family)

"I love Will Smith. He's a great role model, someone you can really look up to."-Trevor

"They're there to film you as a person, and if that's you as a person, that's what needs to happen."-Trevor

                                            more quotes? E-M@il me: ashleyluver@gmx.net