


Script Games





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7th January 2005 :
I officialy stop working on this site.

As many of you might already have noticed, there hasn't been any update for this site in a long time and many might have wondered on if I would ever update the site again. Now I make it official this is goinging to be the last post in the news.

I have stopped using GM since version 5.0 I have now other interests like more low level languages.

Are you going to fix any bugs? Dll/Lib doesn't wotk with GM5.1+
No I wont. I have written them for GM5.0 and that's where they work. Also I don't even have the posibility to update them, I'm not registered. I am not able to test my own work. I'm not going to pay Mark a cent to be able to use/test what is my own work. He now charges money for using the dlls (perhaps nowadays also libs), so it's his job to maintain them. I have included the source code with most dlls, so you can always ask him to fix things for you.

6st January 2004 :
Uploaded a tut on how to write dlls for GM in ASM. (Link in dll section)

26th October 2003 :
Updated the bin dll to version 2b correcting a bug in the initialisation of the dll.

18th October 2003 :
Updated the bin dll to version 2. It's not backward compatible therefor you can still get the older version.

5th October 2003 :
Added a dll to read&write binary files and show standard Windows MessageBoxes. Removed a buggy script.

12th August 2003 :
I'm back with a new dll. You can use it to enable the maximize button of the main GM window.

25th July 2003 :
I probably wont be online for about the next 2 weeks. So if anyone misses me, you know I haven't left GM ;-)
And I have uploaded a small dll.

24th July 2003 :
Added a dll to set the image according to a *.cur or *.ani file.

15th July 2003 :
Added a dll to hide and show the main GM window

7th July 2003 :
Added a dll to check if the GM window has focus

3rd July 2003 :
Added a dll to set the desktop wallpaper

8th June 2003 :
There was a little incompability with GM5 in the Cubes one script game. Corrected it!

8th June 2003 :
Finally it's up. I have redesined tis site.

31th May 2003 :
Added a script to read and write binary numbers

22th May 2003 :
Released Menu bar lib v 1.00 (better known as menu wizard 2)

18th May 2003 :
I'm sick :-|. This is the 3rd update for today. Anyway I have added a script to convert a number from any base to any base.

18th May 2003 :
Added 2 examples showing how to move and shoot using the keyboard. The 2nd example shows how to program a simple moving AI.

18th May 2003 :
Added an example showing how to select and move instances. Go to the iso lib section to download.

8th May 2003 :
ISO action library v1.00 released.

29th April 2003 :
2nd ISO action library beta released.

25th April 2003 :
ISO action library beta released.

18th April 2003 :
New one script game : Lost in the lost maze
Removed 1 script runner

15th April 2003 :
Updated smily tool. Now you can add your own smilies.

14th April 2003 :
Added smily tool.

13th April 2003 :
I have updated incompatibal scripts to GM5 and all in-script varibals are now declared useing var.

12th April 2003 :
GM 5.0 is out I will check all my script if they are gm5 compatibal or not.

11th April 2003 :
Added version 0.2 of the game middle age city (Much better graphics; thanks to Luca). Version 0.1 is no longer available.
I removed the counter because it didn't work well.

9th April 2003 :
Added a database script. With this you can write to a file just like to the registery.

6th April 2003 :
Added version 0.1 of the game middle age city.

5th April 2003 :
Added a page on how to become an affiliate to this site.

3rd April 2003 :
Added a script to create windows shortcuts.

2nd April 2003 :
The menu wizard file was corrupt. Now it works. If someone is having problems with somthing on this site can he please mail me and I'll try to help.

30th March 2003 :
This site has been updated and I have started writing the news about this site here. I still got things to do here and there.