This is the Green Room

How to beginn?

As your eyes can see the table below, it shows you the first step of creating an HTML-Page. The first thing you must know about HTML is, that every order that you're making in HTML you should bring in so called "tags" - HTML-tags.
They look like this <tag>. There are three types of tags. An opening tag-type opens an order and closing type-tag closes an order. You can put a text, picture etc. between an opening and a closing tag. The Difference between an opening and the closing tag is that the closing tag gets an "/". The following table shows it to you:

<a href="">Homepage</a>   and it will look like this: Homepage

As you can see it all looks like <a>blah-blah</a> but an opening order can get more secondary orders like in this example href="link"

The third type of tag is normal tag in which you can put an order like

<img src="image.jpg">

The next table shows you that you can put comments into your code.

  <meta name="description" content="Green Room">
  <title>Green Room</title>

<body bgcolor="#00FF00" text="#0000FF" link="#800000" vlink="#800000" alink="#FFFF00">
<!-- This is a comment: Background color is #00FF00, normal text color is #0000FF -->
<!-- This is the next comment: normal link color is #800000, visited link color is #800000 -->
<!-- This is one more comment: active link color is #FFFF00 -->

This is the "skeleton" of a HTML-Page. As you can see, comments are very important if you're programming in HTML. With its help you can know what are you doing in this part of source-code. Now, the next step.

  <meta name="description" content="Green Room">
  <title>Green Room</title>

<body bgcolor="#00FF00" text="#0000FF" link="#800000" vlink="#800000" alink="#FFFF00">

Normal Text


You still have questions about HTML? Ask me in my Guestbook

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