In the evening, it was dark and the stars were shining bright, HyeSung and MiNy took a walk in the park. Though the wind was blowing heavily, it wasn't near as cold as it was the day before. They walked alone under the clear sky, arm in arm. Finally, they had time to talk about what happened...
MiNy: Haaah...... [leaning onto HyeSung's
HyeSung: oO
MiNy: I'm so happy ^-^
HyeSung: *^-^* Well... [serious look] Now, finally tell what was going on
last night...?
MiNy: Oh, that... ^-^ Right, you still don't know... Well, it wasn't like you
thought... Yesterday, when you left me... [looks away and blushes]
HyeSung: Yes...?
MiNy: Well... I couldn't just stay at home and act like nothing happened... I
just had to be alone, I needed to think about what happened... So I went to take
a walk in the park... But then it suddenly started to rain. I didn't know what
to do, so I started to run and look for a safe place where I could protect myself
from the rain...
HyeSung: Oh, well I'm...
MiNy: And then.... I couldn't run anymore and fell to the ground.
HyeSung: O.O
MiNy: Yeah... I kind of broke down... [looks away]
HyeSung: Hey... [turns her face around] Please go on... It's OK ^-^ [smiles at
MiNy: [smiles back at him] Yes ^-^ OK... then I was just lying there, and
because of that weather nobody was out in the streets. Only one person: KangTa.
HyeSung: Oh....
MiNy: 녜... When he saw me, he took me onto his back and carried me to his home...
HyeSung: What did he do with you..?!
MiNy: [smiles] Nothing. He was just helping me ^-^ I got a little bit ill
yesterday, my temperature was high and I coughed and coughed. So he lay me down
in his bed so that I could sleep... he took care of me....
HyeSung: That... that's all?
MiNy: 녜, 다야
^-^ He was really kind and helpful... I'm so thankful
HyeSung: [smiles softly] Well... I think you're right. I'm also thankful...
MiNy: oO Why that...?
HyeSung: If he hadn't been there to help you.. maybe you would don't want to imagine what could have happened
ifit wasn't for him ^-^"
MiNy: *^-^* Oh, you're so sweet... [gives him a gentle kiss on his cheek] *tehe*
HyeSung: *^-^*
They walked and walked through the
park. It was such a beautiful night. They talked a lot about what had happenend,
managed to get everything straight.
But then MiNy suddenly noticed how late it was and she forgot to call Maco, she
needed to tell her what was going on tonight...
Maco: Hello...? picks up the phone]
MiNy: Hey, 언니
^- ^It's me, MiNy... =)
Maco: MiNy..? Oh, hi... ^-^
MiNy: I...
MiNy: oO
Maco: Hey, girl... I also have feelings, tell me where you go and don't leave
me alone just like that ;_;
MiNy: Uh... hehe... I'm so sorry ^-^" OK... I just wanted to tell you,
that I'm sleeping with.. ah.... AT HyeSung's tonight :P
Maco: With, at... No matter which word, I know what you're going to do...
MiNy: Hey, it was just a little mistake, don't misunderstand
anything! [angry]
Maco: *tehehe* I know, I know... calm down ^.^" So... will you come back
MiNy: I think so... but... I'll call you again tomorrow, OK?
Maco: OK ^-^ Then see ya ^.~ Send greetings to 'little HyeSung' and have fun
tonight ;D
MiNy: Little Hye...? MACO!!?? I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT... oO Maco..? ~_~
HyeSung: What's going on...?
MiNy: [looks at him] Ehehehe... nothin ^-^" It]s alright, everything's
OK, tehe... let's go ^.^ [pulls HyeSung and goes on]
HyeSung: oO Hehe....... OK ^-^"
Maco: Huh...... *sigh* Boring ~_~
Maco was alone at home and had absolutely nothing to do. It was such a beautiful night and she was all alone. What could she do? Then she just had an idea- why not call...
Maco: MinWoo..?!
MinWoo: Hello?
Maco: It's me, darling ^-^
MinWoo: oO Way, it's you ^-^" Hey, darling, whazzupp..?
Maco: *tehe* ^.^ Nothin... A pity... ~_~
MinWoo: Oh, I thought you were out with HyeSung and MiNy..?!
Maco: Yes, I was... but that's long ago ~_~
MinWoo: Oh, why...?! Did you have an arguement?!
Maco: oO Oh, nono ^-^" Something really weird happened, you won't believe
it *-*
MinWoo: Really?! Tell me!
Maco: Well... I will tell you... But first think about that scary night... and
about a little girl who is alone... in a big house... all alone... ;_;
MinWoo: ~_~ Oh, you stupid little girl ^-^"
Maco: ^-^"
MinWoo: OK, I'm coming... I'll be there in about ten minutes, get some warm
clothes ready, I think I have anidea how to 'un-scary' this night ^.~
Maco: O.O Sure, I will wait ^-^
Happily Maco put away the phone. She was happy not to be bored anymore and not only that- she was going to be alone with MinWoo! Her happiness was shining as bright as the sun... :P
RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!! [the door
bell rings[
Maco: MINU *-* [jumps to the door and hugs him]
MinWoo: oO Huh...? [shocked]
Maco: I'm so happy ^______^
MinWoo: ^-^ [smiles] OK, baby, let's go... I'll take you to a beautiful
place, be surprised ^.~
Maco: 녜
As soon as they both got onto MinWoo's motorcycle, he started it. They rode along the forest under the beautiful night sky. There was such a romantic atmosphere in the air... But where did MinWoo want to take Maco...? Lord knows... ^.~