
Passengers from flight 747, we arrived in California. We reached our goal and hope you to enjoy your stay. The exits are on the left side in the back of the plane. Goodbye and a nice day. Your captain.

Miny: O_O...
Yuka: ...O_O...
Maco: ...O_O.
The guys: O_O???!!!
Miny: *___*....
Yuka: ...*___*...
Maco: ....*___*.
Se7en: Eh... eh?
Ai no Mi: CALIFORNIAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! *jump*

Our group finally arrived in California. The excitement of our girls was endless and unstoppable...

Maco: Miny....
Miny: Yuka...
Yuka: Maco...
Ai no Mi: WE ARRIVED *O*!!!!
Eric: Er... ehm?^^;
Guys: [laugh] Hahaha~
Se7en: Hey, Maco! [taps her shoulder] Calm down! It's just....
Maco: It's just??? *_______*??? IT'S CALIFORNIA!!!!
Miny: YES! AHAHAHAHA~~~ *holds macos hands jumps and laughs*
DongWan: Oh my god....
JunJin: PUHAHA You girls are incredible! [holds stomach]
Maco & Miny: Incredible? o.o .... [do a superhero pose]
JunJin: -_-.
Se7en: PUHAHAHA~ That's so funny! Man, I'm sure this'll be so fun!
MinWoo: *sighs* Hah~ ^_^;
Maco: OK EVERYBODY! JUST LISTEN! [makes a weird sailor moon pose]
Se7en: o_O?
Maco: What are we gonna do first now? ^o^?
KangTa: Get out of the airport? -_-
Maco: Oh, right! ^_^~ AHahHAHAhahahHha... [still in her pose xD]
[ Everybody passes her ]
Maco: AhahHAhahah..... ^____^; .... HEY!

They checked out at the airport and went out of it. The city was waiting for them...

Maco: WAH *_*~
Miny: So, Miss Kibou... u_u
Maco: Huh? o.o?
Miny: Where are we goin now? -_-?
Maco: OH RIGHT! I FORGOT! [takes out a SHIT of paper  xP ]
Se7en: [ pulls away the SHIT ] Oh Hotel...
Miny: .. Ruanda...? o_o?
Yuka: [gives miny a headnut] that was a movie, dumbass --;;
Miny: HEY T_T
Se7en: Oh, that's Hotel..... CROWN PLAZA???!!! O__________O???!!
Everybody: HUH!!??? O_O!?????????
Maco & Miny: Crown Plaza? o.o
Se7en: [looks down ] Maco.... *shivers*
Maco: Huh...? o.o
Se7en: ...this hotel...
Maco: Yes..? o_o?
Se7en: [looks at her with both glance and tears in his eyes] ...is one of he most famous and expensive ones in the world!**;O~O;*
Maco: WHAT? O_O!?
Miny: Oh my god... that JangMin guy is a very nice man, we should thank him ;P
Maco: Oh my... yes.

After asking some people and drivin around with some cabs, they finally found the hotel. It was big... and luxurous... Was that really the hotel they were going to? It was humongous (i LOVE this word xD) and glamourous at once. They couldn't get out of the excitement...

Miny & Maco: * -,*~~~
Se7en: *taps maco and miny* Ehem. Ladies?
Miny & Maco: HUH? Ah, yes!
HyeSung: Hurry a bit! I still wanna see something of the city!
KangTa: ... He's right! Girls... hurry!!!
Miny & Maco: YAH!!
MinWoo: Wow,this is really big.
Andy: It is...
MinWoo: ... Now... let's check in! ^_^
All: NAE!
MinWoo: So... ah! Hello, madam... Eh... me english is not...
Miny: Hey, Minwoo. Let me do this 8)
MinWoo: Erm, sure o_o
JunJin: BABO! XD
Minwoo: YA! babo?? Nugunga baboyah, huh???!!
Miny: Ehem. Sorry miss, ehm...
Miss Madam (XD): Hello, how can I help you? ^_^
Miny: Oh, er... o.o- ... Erm, a man called Kang JangMin reserved rooms for us in this hotel. We're from Seoul, South Korea.
Miss Madam: Oh, yes. I will check that... Just a moment please ^_^
Miny: Sure ^^;
Miss Madam: .. hum...
Miny: o.o?
Miss Madam: I can't find any booking.
Miny: Oh,w hat? o_o? I think that must be a mistake ^^; We're 11 persons, Korea, Kang JangMin.
Miss Madam: Hum.. let me check once again... No,sorry. SOmething must be wrong o_o Wait! I'll get the director!
Miny: Sure. o_o *gulp*
Maco: Hahahaha~~ HEY! Miny! IS everything alright? Can we go to our rooms? ^_^
Yuka: Yesyesyessssssssss! *_*
Miny: I think, we got a problem...
All: HUH!?
Miny: well... She can't find any booking by... Kang JangMin.
All: WHAT!??
Miny: hum.. she just left to get the director....
Director: Excuse me?
Miny: Oh yes! Hello!^^;
Director: So.. I heard you got a problem...
Miny: Oh yeah! Your, ehm... the woman said, there weren't any roms booked for us o_o!
Director: Hum, if she checked and there's no booking... Then there is no booking!
All: O_________________________________O;; *freeze*
Miny: ehm... are you.. sure?
Director: Yes I am. Sorry to tell you, but...
Miny: WAIT!!! I mean.. Kang JangMin! He booked for us!! Reservation for 11 ppl!!!
Director: Excuse me? What did you say?
Miny: 11 persons, reser....
Director: Nono, the name!
Miny: Kang JAngMin! o_o
Director: AH! WHy didn't you say it at once Sure! Come with me!
Miny: [looks back to the others and does a gesture of confusion]
All: o_o?
Miny: Hey~ Please wait. What's going on..?
Director: Haha, JangMin is an old friend of mine. You know, he used to help me out a lot with... *blushes* well, uhm. So I promised him, that everytime he wishes for a hotelroom, I'd give him.
Miny: WOW! So....
Director: Well, he called me.
Miny: Really? Phew~ u.u~ But why didn't your computer...?
Director: Well, because there are no reservations for you in this hotel.
Miny: HUH??? I mean... excuse me? o_o??
Director: Well, you know... There's something better...
Miny: o_o....?

What was that? Finally they arrived, but there was no reservation in the hotel! MAybe Kang JangMin lied to them...? But then again: Wha was the director saying? Surprise, surprise...

Miny: o_o....
Everybody: o_o???
Miny: We....
KangTa: ....we?
Miny: We got our place....
Maco: WAHH *o* Whirl pools....
Yuka: .... room service....
JunJin: .... casinos....
Eric: ... and girls.... *____*
Miny: ...but not in this hotel.
Everybody: WHAT!? O_______O!?
Maco: Miny... are u kidding?
Miny: No. o_o
HyeSung: Ehem. You sure...?
MIny: [looks to hyesung, but... more like a ghost xD ] *nods*
Yuka: HUH?
Se7en: So what's gonna happen now?
Miny: *looks back into the crowd* We...
Se7en: We...?
Maco: ...we...?
Yuka: ....we?
Miny: We...
All: WE???!!
Miny: We got our own house at the beach O______O!!!!
Everybody: O______________________________________O!??? MWO!?????????
