Dear DAAD scholar in Hamburg,
We welcome you to our events. In order to organise these events without unneccessary trouble and stress for you and us we have set up some basic rules:
We ask you please to respect these rules and to act accordingly.
If you ignore those rules we will possibly have to exclude the respective person from participating in certain events or exclude that person from the mailing list.
- Some events require prior registration. Please register before the deadline. You may register for yourself only.
- For some events the number of participants is restricted. This is because it is difficult and stressful for us to handle a large group of people. There are no financial reasons for this limitation. Therefore you may not participate without registration or on your own budget.
- We register you applications in the order as we receive them in our mailbox. We always send a confirmatory mail after the dadline has expired. If you have not successfully registered you may not take part, sorry.
- If you have successfully registered we exspect your participation. Should you become ill or be absent for any other important reason, please cancel as early as possible. Otherwise we would wait for you at the meeting point.
- We don't check the email inbox relentlessly. If you have to cancel just before an event, please phone us up, so we will actually know about your absence.
- Please do not send us questions via text message (SMS). We cannot answer them.
- If we end up in a pub, café or restaurant, please remember to pay for your drinks and food.
The Freundeskreis is a private organisation which was founded by former German scholars in 1981. All events are financed by private donations. The Freundeskreis is no part of the DAAD and we do not receive any DAAD-money.
We organise all events voluntarily in our spare time. We get no payment for our work. Please help us to have fun while doing this and to keep our idealism! :-)