Darij Grinberg

Geroldsäckerweg 7
D-76139 Karlsruhe (Germany)

My email address is
where the letter
A should be replaced by darijgrinberg
and the sign = by the sign @.
(Apologies for this obstruction; I am trying to protect my mailbox against spammers
automatically searching for everything that looks like an email address.)

Website for Euclidean and Triangle Geometry

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bwm | qedmo | schröder

»»» last update 16 Apr 2009
recent additions

This website is dedicated to the Geometry of the Triangle, and more generally to Euclidean Geometry. This area of mathematics, standing somewhere between Recreational Mathematics and Algebraic Geometry, today goes through a new resurrection. The renewed interest in Euclidean Geometry can be seen in Clark Kimberling's Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers, in the journal Forum Geometricorum, on Dick Klingens' Geometry pages (Dutch), in the MathLinks forum, or in the Yahoo newsgroup "Hyacinthos" (in honor of the geometer Emile Michel Hyacinthe Lemoine). More links can be found in the link list.

Click here for the FAQ. It can answer some of the questions you wanted to ask me.

This site is currently on two different servers:
http://www.oocities.org/de/darij_grinberg/ | (2) http://www.cip.ifi.lmu.de/~grinberg/ .
Probably the more reliable server is (2), so it would be best to use (2) for linking.

Publications, papers, notes

see also: German papers / Deutschsprachige Aufsätze

see also: Solutions to review problems

Electronically avaliable publications:

Non-electronic publications include:

I have also written some other geometric notes for various purposes (mostly answering questions about how a theorem is proven). They consist by far not only of new and original results. The list may grow in the future.

I have been regularily posting in the "Hyacinthos" and geometry-college newsgroups (starting with 1 Jul 2002) and on the MathLinks forum.

I have set up a Schröder points database for the Schröder points and related problems.