Glasgow express by holiday inn central station


Glasgow express by holiday inn central station

Wheelchair-accessible low-floor buses such as this Nova LFS now form the majority of the GRT fleet. The bus is also equipped with a bicycle rack on the front grille.

Grand River Transit, or GRT, is the public transport operator for the Region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It operates daily bus services in the region, primarily in the cities of Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge. For Leisure driving around the world: Travelling with last minute airfares to holiday anywhere in the world? Consider buying discount cars with accommodation and discount hotels - combine special.

It was named for the Grand River, which flows through the Region; the naming also echoes the Grand River Railway, a former electric railway which served the area in the early twentieth century. GRT is a member of Canadian Urban Transit Association.


On January 1, 2000 the Region of Waterloo created GRT by assuming the operations of the former Kitchener Transit (which also served Waterloo) and Cambridge Transit from these cities.

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