Neuromorphische Therapie: Literatur

Die Expansion des neurologischen Bewußtseins, durch die Veränderung von
Vorstellungen und die ihnen zugeordnete Bedeutung, erfolgt durch massive
psychosomatische Irritationen. Diese psychosomatischen Irritationen wurden
entworfen, um Wahrnehmungsfilter und falsche kognitive Begrenzungen
herauszustellen und zu überprüfen, die einem durch deren Gebrauch auferlegt
worden sind.

Praktikanten werden davor gewarnt, irgendwelche Theorien entweder anzunehmen
oder zurückzuweisen, unabhängig davon, wie anziehend oder abstossend sie auch
immer sein mögen, sondern diese im Licht der eigenen Erfahrungen zu prüfen.

Du solltest die hier bereitgestellten Informationen niemals
als alleinige Quelle für gesundheitsbezogene Entscheidungen verwenden.
Bei Beschwerden solltest Du auf jeden Fall professionellen Rat einholen.

Manche der nachfolgenden Bücher sind auch auf Deutsch erhältlich.

Stufe null

        The New Inquisition - by Robert Anton Wilson	- ISBN	1-56184-022-5
Alternate Realities - by Lawrence LeShan - ISBN 0-85969-074-1
Info-Psychology - by Timothy Leary - ISBN 0-941404-60-9
The Manipulated mind - by Denise Winn - ISBN 0-86304-025-X
Beyond all Belief - by Peter Lemesurier - ISBN 0-906540-41-0
Angel Tech - by Antero Alli - ISBN 0-941404-45-5
On Disobedience - by Erich Fromm - ISBN 0-7102-0239-3
Platform for Change - by Stafford Beer - ISBN 0-471-06189-1
Reality, How it works and Why it mostly doesn't
 - by Rik Dent (1997) - ISBN 1-86163-018-2

Stufe eins

	Prometheus Rising - by Robert Anton Wilson 	- ISBN	0-941404-19-6
Quantum Psychology - by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 1-56184-071-8
Undoing Yourself - by Christopher S. Hyatt - ISBN 1-56184-057-2
The Tree Of Lies - by Christopher S. Hyatt - ISBN 1-56281-008-4
Zen without Zen Masters - by Camden Benares - ISBN 1-56184-073-4
The 3 minute meditator
- by David Harp with Nina Feldman - ISBN 0-7499-1164-6

Stufe zwei

	Education and the significance of life 
- by Jiddu Krishnamurti - ISBN 0-575-04676-7
The Alchemy of Intelligence
- by Warren Dohemann and Melvin Suhd - ISBN 0-943920-04-3
The game of Life - by Timothy Leary - ISBN 1-56184-050-5
Illuminatus! (trilogy) - by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 0-440-53981-1
Power and Empowerment - by Lynn Atkinson - ISBN 0-941404-77-3
Monsters and Magical Sticks
- by S.Heller & T.Steele - ISBN 0-941404-51-X
The Psychology of Synergy - by Madeleine Singer - ISBN 0-941404-03-X
Illuminati papers - by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 0-915904-52-7
How Real is Real? - by Paul Watzlawick - ISBN 0-285-62573-X
The Invented Reality - edited by P. Watzlawick - ISBN 0-393-01009-0
Reality is what you can get away with
- by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 0-440-50322-9
Don't let them psych you out!
- by George Zgourides - ISBN 1-55950-097-2
Change - by P.Watzlawick, J.Wealand & R.Fisch - ISBN 0-393-01104-6
Techniques of Persuasion - by J.A.C. Brown - ISBN 0-14-020604-3
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Alice Through the Looking-Glass.

- by Lewis Carroll - ISBN 0-14-143976-9

Stufe drei

	The TAO of POOH - by Benjamin Hoff		- ISBN	0-7493-0179-1
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - by Richard Bach - ISBN 0-330-23647-4
The spirit of Shaolin - by David Carradine - ISBN 1-85538-237-7
A handful of Zen - by Camden Benares - ISBN 0-941494-88-9
A modern Shaman's Guide to a Pregnant Universe
- by C.S.Hyatt and Antero Alli - ISBN 0-941404-90-0
Cutting through Spiritual materialism
- by Chogyam Trungpa - ISBN 0-87773-050-4
The Maker of Dune - edited by Tim O'Reilly - ISBN 0-425-09785-4
Eight Lectures on Yoga - by Aleister Crowley - ISBN 1-56184-007-6
The Psychology of Consciousness
- by Robert Ornstein - ISBN 0-14-017090-1
Heart of the mind
- by Connirae Andreas & Steve Andreas - ISBN 0-911226-31-1
Magic of NLP Demystified
- by Byron Lewis and Frank Pucelik - ISBN 1-55552-017-0
Get the results you want
- by Kim Kostere and Linda Malatesta - ISBN 1-55552-015-4
The penguin Krishnamurti Reader
- edited by Mary Lutyens - ISBN 0-14-603071-9

Stufe vier

        Cosmic Trigger vol. 1 - by Robert Anton Wilson	- ISBN	0-56184-003-3
Cosmic Trigger vol. 2 - by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 1-56184-011-4
Natural Law - by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 0-915171-61-X
Wilhelm Reich in hell - by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 0-941404-47-1
Freedom is a two-edged sword - by J.W. Parsons - ISBN 0-941404-00-5
Neuropolitique - by Timothy Leary - ISBN 156184-012-2
Manufacturing Consent: Chomsky & the media
- edited by Mark Achbar - ISBN 1-551640-02-3
The Prophet - by Gahlil Gibran - ISBN 0-330-26229-3
Use what you are - by Fun-Chang
- translated by Matthew Reisz - ISBN 0-85692-177-7
Silent Power - by Stuart Wilde - ISBN 1-56170-323-0
The Road less Travelled - by M. Scott Peck - ISBN 0-7126-1819-8
The Reality of the Mass Media
- by Niklas Luhmann - ISBN 0804740771

Stufe fünf

        The Centre of the Cyclone - by John C. Lilly	- ISBN	0-7145-0961-2
The Politics of Ecstacy - by Timothy Leary - ISBN 0-914171-33-X
Ishtar Rising - by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 0-941404-83-8
Sex and Drugs - by Robert Anton Wilson - ISBN 0-56184-001-7
Secrets of Western Tantra - by C.S.Hyatt - ISBN 0-941404-80-3
The voice of Experience - by R.D.Laing - ISBN 0-14-022472-6
Steps to an Ecology of Mind
- by Gregory Bateson - ISBN 0226039056
Tree of Knowledge - by Humberto R. Maturana - ISBN 0877736421
The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and
Human Experience - by Francisco J. Varela - ISBN 0262720213

Stufe sechs

	Taboo: The Ecstacy of Evil
- by C.S.Hyatt, L.M.DuQuette & G.Ford - ISBN 1-56184-039-4
Beating Tantra at its own game
- by Arthur Lytle - ISBN 0-941404-89-7
The Enochian World of Aleister Crowley
- by A.Crowley, L.M.DuQuette & C.S.Hyatt - ISBN 1-56184-029-7
Pacts with the Devil - by S.J.Black & C.S.Hyatt - ISBN 1-56184-058-0
Reichan growth work - by N.Totton & E.Edmondson - ISBN 1-85327-016-4

Stufe sieben

        Sexual Evolution - by Rhonda Levand		- ISBN	0-89087-626-6
Jewel in the Lotus
- by Sunyata Saraswati & Bodhi Avinasha - ISBN 0-929459-00-8
Tantric Sex - by E.J.Gold & Cybele Gold - ISBN 0-917879-02-3
Ecstacy through Tantra - by John Mumford - ISBN 0-87542-494-5
Secrets of Sexual Ecstacy
- by David & linda Howe - ISBN 9999-002897

Stufe acht

        Unknown Man - by Yatri				- ISBN 	028399708-7
Finite and Infinite Games - by James P. Carse - ISBN 0-14-009399-0
The Book - by Alan Watts - ISBN 0-679-72300-5
Illusions - by Richard Bach - ISBN 0-330-25355-7
Theories of Distinction: Redescribing the
Descriptions of Modernity - by Niklas Luhmann - ISBN 0804741239

Stufe neun

	No Enemies Within - by Dawn Markova		- ISBN	0-943233-64-X
The structure of Magic 1
- by Richard Bandler & John Grinder - ISBN 0-8314-0044-7
The structure of Magic 2
- by Richard Bandler & John Grinder - ISBN 0-8314-0049-8
Fine Tune your Brain - by Genie Z. Laborde - ISBN 0-933347-30-8
Hypnosis - by William W. Hewitt - ISBN 0-87542-300-0
The barefoot Psychoanalyst
- by John Southgate & Rosemary Randall - ISBN 1-870258-06-1
Hypnosis for change
- by Josie Hadley & Carol Staudacher - ISBN 0-0934986-74-61G
Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method
- by Herbert Blumer - ISBN 0520056760
I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta
- by Nisargadatta Maharaj - ISBN 0893860220