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Fallen Angel

Fan Reviews

Kenneth Murray (Cape Canaveral, Florida) writes, "Although it is lighter in sound this album has some great songs to be enjoyed by any Heep fan. I'm Alive is a very good rocking tune. Come Back to Me is Heep's best ballad in my opinion. Lawton's voice really shines on that song. Love or Nothing has wonderful acoustic guitar playing in it. The song Fallen Angel has outstanding harmonies. I give this album a B+"

Jari Perko (Turku, Finland) writes, "Well this angel really falls and deep down!!! But certainly also this album had its good moments. Woman of the Night definitely gets you going, though the arrangement and production are far too lightweight. What D'Ya Say is a nice little pop song, which should been a hit, and the title track has something to say the least. I'm Alive is fair, and Love Or Nothing brings a little smile on your face and tears... at least in my eyes! But what is Come Back to Me??? Everybody says it's a perfect hit, but come on! It's like - how can put it kindly - when you have dog shit in your shoe and you smell it: the impression CBTM gives to me is the same! OK: huge hit in Germany... a load of bull! I say it was the end of the line. No return, as they so sharply pointed on the final album! And - God save us when the Five Miles sessions come out... RIP."

Roger Gößmann (Schweinfurt, Germany) writes, "FALLEN ANGEL is the most comercial sounding album of HEEP. The all present harmony vocals are very impressing. Again very good produced and mixed. Best songs: I'm Alive, Come Back To Me, Love Or Nothing, Fallen Angel. I am amazed how good the demos and outtakes with Lawton sound."

Daniel Reichberg (Gothenburg, Sweden) writes "The most underrated Heep album is with no doubt Fallen Angel. Verdicts such as "commercial rubbish" or "weakest of the Lawton-era Heep" are simply incorrect because in Fallen Angel we have an album in the same high class as Look At Yourself or Demons And Wizards. Maybe not as hard and heavy, but music doesn't nessecarely have to be hard and heavy. Just listen to Falling In Love, Love Or Nothing, Woman Of The Night or Put Your Lovin' On Me and give yourself a few moments of pure listening pleasure. Or listen to ANY of the songs and realize that Fallen Angel is actually the STRONGEST of the Lawton-era Uriah Heep albums."

Rodrigo Domingues (Uberlandia, MG/Brazil) writes "Heep is one of my favourite bands, indeed, nowadays, their songs are not the same as they used to be. It is a pity. I think that they could stop in Fallen Angel album. The other ones are not so bad, but are not so good too."

Brad Duren (Oklahoma, US) writes "Weakest album of the Lawton era. I'm Alive and Woman of the Night are fantastic, as is Put Your Lovin' On Me and the title track. I think that Whad'Ya Say ranks down there with We Got We and My Joanna Needs Tuning as one of the worst songs the band ever did."

Todd Pence (Fairfield, VA) writes, "Although the songs on this one are mostly undistinguished, the band had finally grown comfortable with the Lawton style of music and really rocks out on several of them. The album also features two nice ballads in Put Your Lovin' On Me and the title track, and great cover artwork."

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