Welcome to the Guestbook section of Digimon- Digital Haven! Here you can view or sign the D-DH guestbook. All entries are greatly appriciated. To view the guestbook click the "View Guestbook" button at the top of the page. To sign the guestbook click the "Sign Guestbook" button also at the top of the page.
As well as a guestbook this page used used for Fan Art and if you want to become an Affiliate of D-DH.
If you have any fan art that you would like to be displayed click the "Fan Art" button above. In the subject bar type "Fan Art". Leave your name and web address (if you have one) and attach your artwork to the e-mail in either .jpeg or .gif format. All entries will enter the draw for the end of month Fan Art Award.
If you would like to become an Affiliate of Digimon- Digital Haven just click on the button above. In the subject bar type "Affiliate". Leave all your details like you name & URL. I will have a look at your website and get back to you ASAP. I have a few minor specifications the your website must meet.

1. Purely a Digimon website (no other anime)
2. No Hentai (must be for all ages)
3. English only (no other languages)

If your website meets these specifications, you'll more than likely become an Affiliate.