onLoad="window.onresize=new Function('if (navigator.appVersion==\'Netscape\') history.go(0);');">
Here's a free award for you to take ---->
*Nice clean layout
* you must have at least 500 hits
*have less than 3 broken links
*no hentai
* at least 20 pages of content
TIP:You'd increase your chances of winning an award if you sign the guestbook ^_^
* you must have at least 100 hits
*have less than 7 broken links
* Your site must be less than 2 months old
* at least 10 pages of content
* you must have at least 200 hits
*have less than 5 broken links
*Your site must have something *interesting* on it
To apply for an award send me an email with the subject AWARD and tell me your name, site name, site URL, and award(s) you want ^_^
Spirit Evolution
Shrine of Wind