Dolphin Hill Vision Improvement

My Improvement  success stories





From the email group 2see, here are some successes from people that are currently improving their vision

Yes, please include my improvement on your new page also.

September 2001: -5.2D Left, -3.8D Right
January 2002: -2.8D Left, -1.8D Right

Thank you!

- Jaz
September 2001 20/20 Left -5.2/0 Right -3.8/0
January 2002 20/20 Left -2.8/0 Right -1.8/0
February 28, 2002 Left -2.25/0 Right -1.7/0  (Yay!  I measured my far
points last night, not much improvement in the right but better than
nothing :) )

I was in 1987 L -3/-.5 R-2.75/.25
2001          L -1.25/.5 R-2.25/-1

So if you look at my right eye its sort of gone from -2.75 to -2.25
but in reality there is no improvement as my astigmatism has doubled
in this eye:-(    

March 1997: R: -5.50/-2.75 astig. L: -5.75/-2.50
June 2001: both eyes -4.00/-1.50 astig.

At the end of my eye exam last year, I pulled out a copy of my 1997
prescription.  Last year's eye doc (different from the 1997 eye doc)
was flabbergasted at my new prescription.  He could not accept that
my vision had improved.

"Well, I guess the other eye doctor made a mistake then.  Maybe you
should give her a call," I said.

"Yeah, I'll give her a call" he said, scratching his head.

I regret that I didn't have a hidden camera.

I'm confident that my vision has improved since last year.  I'm
saving up my pennies for another exam this year.

Alan W
July 2001:   -5.75D -1.00 90 Left and Right
February 2002:  -5.00D No Astigmatism Left and Right

To clarify this further. The -5.00D is my current actual refractive error. I currently wear -4.00D lenses for most purposes where glasses are required.

Hi, just dug out some prescriptions.........

December '99
RE -2.0sph   -0.5 cyl 20 deg
LE -2.5sph   -1 cyl  175deg

April  01
RE -1.5sph   -0.5 cyl 20 deg
LE -2.0sph   -1 cyl  175deg

The improvement came within about 3 months which was quite exhilarating but
has not budged since. At the time of the "99 prescription the astigmatism in
my left eye was increasing quite rapidly and did go a little higher, I got a
-2.5 sph 1.25 cyl toric contact lens given to me by the optician to try out.
This gave me very sharp vision but I did not use them, I discarded contact
lenses altogether and that appears to have been the prompt for my eyes to get
better by 1/2 D.


copyright© 2002 Kim Beckett. All rights reserved.