Annual Report

DoniaCorp was established in 1990 with an executive board of two and an additional two major shareholders. A third, junior shareholder joined the board on January 29, 1999. Our Chairman Emeritus (Sam the Cat) passed away in 2005, and our newest member joined in April 2007. On November 24, 1999, a stock split was announced, and our daughter joined the permanent staff. Current information about our officers can be found below.
Executive Board 
Chief Executive Officer
Joe Donia
Chief Operating Officer
Terry Donia
d.o.b.: 8.28.63
Education: M.A., Medieval Europe, Marquette University
Political leanings: Maverick
Shoe size: 10 ½
Temperament: Somewhat cranky
Weakness: Junior Mints
Areas of expertise: History (esp. ancient, Medieval, contemporary), geography, disc golf, turn-based RPGs
Marketable skills: Lecturer, U.S. History and Western Civilization
On TiVo now: Star Wars: Clone Wars
d.o.b.: 4.9.68
Education: B.A., Arts & Humanities, University of Texas at Dallas
Political leanings: Unsatisfied
Shoe size: 8
Temperament: Mommish
Weakness: Vodka and Diet Coke
Areas of expertise: Sewing, writing, riding herd on corporate types, quoting movies
Marketable skills: Director of Communications
On TiVo now: The Colbert Report  
Major Shareholders 
Wallingford Wellington Biscuit Dog Chelsea Coco Meezer
d.o.b.: c. 2.27.04
Pedigree: Australian Shepherd/Basset Hound/Beagle?
Occupation: Biscuit Dog
Political leanings: Way confused
Temperament: Stubborn
Weakness: Cat food
Areas of expertise: Eating, running, chewing stuff up
d.o.b.: c. 9.1.06
Pedigree: Traditional Siamese
Occupation: Instigator
Political leanings: Socialist
Temperament: Spastic
Weakness: Milk rings
Areas of expertise: Sleeping, yowling, staring, walking through walls
Josie the Pussycat  
d.o.b.: c. 11-26-98
Pedigree: Tuxedo Cat
Occupation: Senior Cat
Political leanings: Isolationist
Temperament: Standoffish
Weakness: Closets
Areas of expertise: Hiding, hissing, producing perfectly formed hairballs
Permanent Staff

Katie Donia
d.o.b.: Unlisted
Pedigree: Most of Europe
Occupation: Kid
Political leanings: Enlightened Self-Interest
Temperament: Scrappy
Weakness: Pokemon
Areas of expertise: Tae kwon do, basketball, Nintendo DS, Monopoly, cuteness
Marketable skills: Are you kidding?
On TiVo now: Avatar: The Last Airbender