Yay! I'm still drawing! This has got to be a miracle. Okay, I have sinned today. I'm feeling an immense amount of envy for my friend. She gets to go to work and earn $80 a day while I'm stuck here at home drawing until the cows come home. How lame is that? I want money! It's a material world and I'm a material girl, goddammit!

Back to reality...

Okay, I feel a little better getting that off my chest. Anywho, I spent today at my friend's house. We both were working on submissions to the fanart section to the next Animerica. The theme is "angels" so you'd think that it would be easy, right? WRONG! URGH! First of all, there's this problem of choosing one of the thousand angel characters from various anime. Then you have to actually DRAW the stinking thing! I ended up drawing Kouryuu from CLAMP's WISH, and my friend, Sylvia, drew Umi from CLAMP's Magic Knight Rayearth (we're a little CLAMP obsessed.). This here's my pencil sketch of Kouryuu, so tell me what you think of it.

I am really happy about how the school turned out on page 6 of "Gaijin." It took me awhile to get the building to look like a building, but I came, I saw, I conquered. I'm also retarded, but you didn't need to know that.

I guess that's it for my little freetalk. Until we meet again, Ja ne!


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