NE New Jersey Somerset Co Duke Farms
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Duke Farms, a 2,700-acre estate in Hillsborough, New Jersey, was developed by tobacco and hydropower magnate James Buchanan Duke beginning in 1893.

By the time he died in 1925, J.B. Duke had transformed more than 2,000 acres of farmland and woodlots into an extraordinary landscape. He excavated 9 lakes, constructed some 45 buildings, and built nearly 2 1/2 miles of stone walls and more than 18 miles of roadway. He also installed approximately 35 fountains and populated his park with countless pieces of sculpture.

Betweeen 2008 and 2010 Duke Farms will transform into an environmental showcase and learning center, with bold new programs and greatly expanded public access.

For the first time since Buck Duke closed the park at Duke Farms nearly 100 years ago, hundreds of acres of trails will be open for visitors to walk, bike and hike on their own.

The gardens also will be expanded to include beautiful outdoor gardens, and they are expected to open to the public in the spring of 2010 as well.

Beginning in 2008 and continuing over the next several years, the partners will introduce new activities at Duke Farms for families and professionals alike, such as expanded nature programs, community garden plots, organic gardening and farming programs, and courses and seminars in agriculture, horticulture and wildlife ecology. To serve as a demonstration site for sustainability, Duke Farms also will undertake various renewable energy, habitat restoration and ecological research projects.

See press release.

last updated 8 July 2005