Shirley Temple Black


Born on April 23, 1928 in Santa Monica California

Shirley's Parents were:

George Francis and Gertrude Temple
Two brothers, Jack and George Jr.

At two years old, Shirley began her dancing and singing lessons.

At age three and a half she began her career as an actress.
Shirley Temple was the most popular star in motion pictures for five years in a row.

As a child, Shirley Temple acted in many movies. Including: Little Miss Money Marker, The Little Colonel, Poor Little Rich Girl, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, and many others.

As Shirley Temple was growing older, she became less popular. In the mid-1940s she starred in "Shirley Temple" the television series. But that didn't last long.

In 1945, Shirley married a man named John Agar. Together they had a daughter, Susan. Four years later they divorced.

Later, she married Charles A. Black with whom she had two children, Lois and Charles Jr.

In 1974, Shirley was made the U.S. Ambassador to Ghana in Africa. She held the post for two years. She recalled this time as one of the happiest in her life. Shirley Temple has currently retired and is proud of all of her accomplishments. She has recently said, "If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing."

Awards and other Recognition:

In 1935, Shirley Temple was the first child actor to win an Academy Award. The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have named her "The outstanding personality of 1934.

Interesting Trivia

Shirley Temple had two drinks named after her- Shirley Temple Cocktail and Dirty Shirley.

She invented the color "Temple Blue" for her wedding.

Shirley Temple's first words were "Oui, mon cher." ("Yes, my dear")

She was the first woman in history to serve as chief protocol.

Shirley Temple wrote an award winning autobiography, Child Star.

There were Shirley Temple dolls made after her.

Pictures from her movies