Cross:	OK, I'm here right now with the next applicant, so to speak, 		
		and this man is NO stranger to the airwaves, as he was
		the colorman for the KWF/AWA/ECWF for a LONG time, Mr.
		Mario Machismo.

	Mario:	Isaac, how's it going?  Good to be back behind the stick..
		haven't gotten into full swing in my new home fed yet,
		so it's good to get some mic time down.

	Cross:	Folks, we've been told that we've actually got word from
		your old buddy, Mario, Dr. Anthony Strange!  He was sent
		out to find opponents for the Children of Apocalypse tonight.

	Mario:	I saw that the CofA had sent up an open challenge on the
		Free For All earlier tonight. I also know pretty much
		the entire active tag team roster of EWC is already busy

	Cross:  Well, apparently, Strange had a brainstorm as he left here,
		lets take a look at what the Doctor has come up with...

(Cut to Dr. Strange walking along a beach a few miles up the road from

I know I saw them around here earlier today.  I just hope they didn't.....

[Voice off camera]

(Strange looks toward the direction of the voice, then has to quickly get
out of the way as a stray volleyball rains out of the sky and *plops* at 
his feet.)

Whoa, I think that shot landed a bit..... (Strange blinks a couple times,
then points toward the area the ball came from) hey, just the two guys I
wanted to see!

[Different VOC]
Huh?.... Whoa!  Check it out, surf-bud!  It's the Doctor Dude!

[First VOC]
No way!

[VOC #2]
Way, man!

[VOC #1]
Aw, cool!

(The players enter the shot to retrieve the ball... and turn out to be
former KWF/AWA tag team champions, Mark and Greg, the Wave Runners.)

*crowd pop*

Where ya been, Strange dude?  We thought you retired or something!

Nah, I'm still around.  I might not be as young as I used to be, but I can
still hang ten with the big boys.

Groovy, man.  So what brings you 'round here?  Come to watch us play?

Uh, no.  Actually, I need your help.

Dude, you want surfing lessons?  Awright!  You're comin' around!

No no no no, not that..... well, maybe not *now*, but I might take you up on
that.... um... that "narly" offer some other time.

(Mark and Greg blink at each other over Doc's choice of words.)

Um...... okay dude.  So whaddya need?

Well, the EWC is holding this, uuhhh.... this crazy-rad bodacious shindig at
the moment, and I was wondering if you boys would like to sign onto.....
excuse me, "scarf up" an open contract.

(The Runners just stare at each other.)

Dude, when did he start talking like this?

(Greg shrugs.  Mark turns his attention back to the Doc.)

Lemme get this straight, Doc.... EWC is in town and throwing a party.


And a couple of bogus bozos have an open contract.


And you want the Greg-meister and me to kick some sand in their faces?

You got it.

And we get to do it, like.... right now?

That's what I'm asking.  You up for it?

(The Runners look at each other for a couple seconds, then they both break
into their semi-trademarked Big Goofy Grin(tm).)

[Mark & Greg]

(Mark and Greg hi-five each other.)

Dude, give us fifteen minutes, and we're there!  Let's motor, Greg!

I'm with ya, dude!

(The Wave Runners start to leave, but Strange pulls some papers out of his
jacket pocket before they can get away.)

Whoa, cool your jets, you two.... you have to sign the contract first!

Hakuna Matata, li'l buddy... (yanks the contracts out of Strange's hand)
we'll sign it when we get to the arena.  (Turns toward other v-ball
players)  Yo peoples!  We gotta bolt..... (shoves the volleyball into
Strange's hands and points at him) sub's in!

(Mark and Greg turn around and start jogging off camera.)

Y'know, the Doctor Dude's a pretty all right guy.

Yeah, I dunno what was eatin' him back in the ol' KWF....

(Strange shifts his focus back and forth between the volleyball and the
departing Wave Runners.)

Sub???  Whaddya mean sub?  I can't sub!  I don't know the first thing about
volley...... (does a double take toward the sand court and lowers his voice)

(Doc's eyes widen a bit and a grin spreads across his face as five scantily
clad bikini babes surround him.)

[Babe #1]
Hey there, little man.  You ready to play?

[Babe #2]
Yeah, you're on our team.

[Babe #3]
Let's see how well you spike, big boy.

(Strange clears his throat and starts loosening his tie.)

Well..... maybe just *one* game....

(Strange takes off his jacket and follows the ladies to the court as we cut
back to the arena.)

MATCH #2: The Children of Apocalypse vs. The Wave Runners

"Unforgiven" kicks in first and the C of A look *ALL* business..they really
don't seem to care WHO is coming at the moment...they enter the ring
and stand at the ready to start things.  After about two minutes, "Wipeout"
by the Surfaris plays and a LOT of fans pop strong for the Wave Runners..
who bolt into the arena still wearing their beachwear, with Mark carrying
a bunch of crumpled papers.  The two stop at the announcers table, 
and lay the papers out, which is the open contract. Both men sign
it, then high five each other and roll into the ring...where they
are immediately assaulted by the brothers Rierson.	

Zach fires into the lighter Greg while Dan fires clubbing forearms into
the back of Mark as both of the Runners are backed into various corners.
CofA tries for a double irish whip...Mark ducks as Greg leapfrogs and both
nail twin dropkicks on the CofA.  Dan and Zach get up and run into twin
back bodydrops by the Runners, and both leave the ring as Greg and Mark
high five.

	Cross:	And the Runners seemingly haven't lost a step at all, 	
		as Greg and Mark send the CofA scattering for higher

	Mario:	Well, I think the CofA might have been expecting a team
		like the Pendragons or someone already under AW..EXCUSE
		me, EWC contract.  However, Mark and Greg haven't wrestled
		anywhere that, well, you know, MATTERS for over a year
		now...they look in great shape, lets see how their teamwork
		holds out.

Dan and Mark start off for each side.   They lock up and the much larger
Dan shoves off Mark to the turnbuckles...Mark walks out and does a goofy
looking muscleman pose and then laughs.  This causes Dan to charge in, allowing 
Mark to sidestep and get a legtrip takedown on Dan.  Mark ties up the leg,
gets up, and pulls Dan by the legs..Dan holds on to the ropes to the point that
he's suspended in air..and Greg kicks Dan's hands out forcing Dan to bounce 
face first off of the mat.  Mark off the far ropes, legdrop on the back of 
Dan's neck.  Mark picks Dan up, tag.  Both Runners each does an armtwist,
followed by a knife edge that knocks Dan flat on his back.  

Greg goes for another armtwist, but Dan reverses and short arm kneesmashes
Greg, then follows up with a DDT.  Dan picks up Greg, Greg kicks Dan in the
stomach, no effect.  He tries it again, Dan laughs.  Greg then tells the
ref that Rebecca Romjin-Stamos is at ringside.  Wayne Winans, clueless yutz
that he is, looks away long enough for Greg to NAIL Dan Rierson right in
the family jewels, then puts on a headlock as the referee turns around. The
ref only sees the headlock and Greg looking into the sky, whistling.
Dan sends Greg to the ropes, collide in the ring, Greg goes down. Dan off
the other ropes, jumps over Greg, Dan comes back, Greg ducks a clothesline.
Dan stops, turns around and sets up for a Rock Bottom...Greg runs in and 
dropkicks Dan from behind, allowing Greg to fall back into a DDT position.

	Mario:	And there's the in-ring improvisation that the Runners have
		been known for for a long time.  GREAT double team out of
		nowhere.  It was also very illegal, but hey, what's a bent
		rule between beach buddies?

	Cross:	Greg up now, coming off the ropes, Dan ducks a clothesline
		of Greg's...Greg back THESZ PRESS...Dan reverses it into a
		spinebomb, GREAT countermove by Dan Rierson.  And we've
		got a tag to Zach, as Dan sets for a vertical suplex..

	Mario:	Zach on the top rope, HIGH cross body as Dan falls backwards,
		nice combo move, Winans a little slow getting into position for
		the count, but it's still only worth one as Greg very quickly	
		kicking out.

Zach grabs Greg, goes for an implant DDT, but Greg instead reverses into an
inverted atomic drop that sends Zach into the Runners' corner.  Tag to Mark,
Greg sends Zach to the ropes, double backdrop on Zach.  Mark waits for Zach
to get up, and hits two fast armdrags on Zach...Zach stops short of the third 
attempt, but when he turns around to tell the fans how smart he is, Mark
bulldogs him from behind.  He then applies a surfboard for about a minute
as Winans keeps checking on Zach to make sure he was still in the match.

Zach finally reaches the ropes, and Mark picks him up and sets him on the
second rope.  Mark rebounds off the far ropes and goes for a rocking horse 
splash, but Zach moves out of the way and Mark goes flying out of the ring.
Zach quickly up and runs into a baseball slide dropkick that sends Mark head 
first into the steel ringpost.  Zach then distracts the referee as Dan goes
over, picks up Mark, and introduces him to the steel ringsteps.  Greg runs 
over to assist, Dan picks up a chair...

	Cross:	The larger Rierson tees off...Greg catches the chair in
		mid-swing and takes it from Dan.....DEAR LORD!!!

	Mario:	Zach with the BBall Slide Dropkick RIGHT INTO THE CHAIR!!!
		Greg's down on that one.  Meanwhile, Dan's got Mark in
		powerbomb position...OW, right on the concrete.

	Cross:	And this proves that you CANNOT *EVER* consider the Children
		of Apocalypse out of their league.  Over the past six months
		they have really grown and improved, and a win here would
		certainly prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that they've
		earned a shot at the tag team titles...and Dan now taking
		a dazed Mark over to the ringside steps...FORWARD RUSSIAN LEG

	Mario:	The hell with the tag titles, I think Zach and Dan are going
		for a body count here...Winans has lost TOTAL control of this
		one, and he's focusing on getting Greg back to his corner..
		and now Dan finally throwing a limp Mark back into the ring as
		Zach is climbing the ropes...SENTON DROP, and a cover..... QUITE, Mark's still got some fight
		left in him.

Zach tags to Dan, and Zach kneels while Dan gets Mark into suplex position, 
then falls forward to gourdbuster Mark right on Zach's knee.  Dan covers,
two count.  Dan then picks up Mark and locks in a stretch plum, but it's
not well executed as Mark doesn't have his one leg properly grounded.  Still,
it's most painful, and Winans has to check Mark a few times.  Greg gets a
"Go, Mark, Go" chant going on the outside, which many of the fans pick up.
Dan finally lets go of the stretch plum, pounds on Mark some more, with the 
forearm shots literally bouncing Mark off of the mat.  Dan picks Mark up,
powerbombs him, then lifts him back up for the double powerbomb.  Cover,
two and a half count.  Tag to Zach, they hit a 3D in the center of
the ring, Zach covers, 2 3/4 count.  Zach picks up Mark, hits a couple of 
punches, but Mark comes back with a LOUD knife edge that staggers Zach.
They trade back and forth a couple of times, Zach runs to the ropes, Mark
back bodydrops, but Zach lands on his feet, runs to the other ropes, 
double clothesline knocks both men down.

	Cross:	And both men are down in the center of the ring.  Zach
		is dazed, but Mark *really* needs to make the tag now.

	Mario:	He's hung in there, but he's been bleeding for the past
		five minutes, and Zach is very fresh compared to Mark,
		he really needs to let a fully rested Greg get in there
		and clean house.

	Cross:	Mark is up, Zach is up to..he grabs Mark, RUNS UP THE
		RUNNERS' CORNER, and nails an acid drop coming down before
		Greg can connect!! What an AUDACIOUS move by the younger

	Mario:	It was risky, but it caught Greg totally off guard.
		And Zach with the ...three!

	Cross:	NO!!  Winans saying it was two..that was VERY close, however.
		Mark clutching his neck in pain.  Zach now has an armbar, 
		LEAPS up, he's trying to crucifix pin him...AND MARK REVERSES

*crowd pop*

		Both men are down, who wants it more?  Zach is closer..and
		he connects with Dan...Dan in there...MARK WITH THE TAG
		TO GREG!!!!!

Greg fires several rapid fire shots to the head of Dan Rierson before he
drops.  Zach comes in and both brothers Rierson get to play faw down go boom
for a few turns until Greg grabs both heads and rams them together.  Zach
falls out of the ring as Greg starts doing a vintage Dusty bionic elbow 
series on Dan, backing him up into the corner....Greg runs back..HANDSPRING 
ELBOW ONTO DAN!!!!! Crowd pops for the move, as Greg immediately follows up with
a hiptoss followed by a legdrop...2 count.  Greg off the far ropes as Zach
charges into the ring..and runs right into a flying forearm by Greg that
sends him back OUT of the ring.  Greg off the ropes again as Dan is
getting up...Huracanrana!!!!  Cover, one....two....Zach breaks the attempt 
up, and that draws Mark into the ring.  Zach with a spinning heel kick on
Mark to back him up into the ropes.  Meanwhile, Dan is up and is gorilla 
pressing Greg over the top rope. Zach sends Mark to the ropes, Mark 
reverses..boot to the gut, "Jersey Jawjacker" Diamond Cutter.  One...two..
DAN breaks up the pin.  Dan grabs Mark..sets up for the powerbomb position...
Zach gets under him for the "Full Redemption" Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo.
Dan covers...1....2.....GREG breaks up the pin with a top rope senton.
Greg and Dan both out of the ring, Greg sets up a chair, does a running
leap to go for a spinkick, but Greg is caught by Dan and tossed back
INTO the ring...meanwhile, Zach tosses Mark out of the ring

	Cross:	And the bell has just sounded, we just reached the
		20 minute mark by my clock, I think this went to
		a draw, Mario.

	Mario:	This should have gone to a no contest, cause Winans
		has lost all sense of control of this one...Zach is now
		climbing the ropes while Dan tosses Mark onto a table
		he pulled out from under the ring.

	Cross:	Greg just rolled out of the other side and now Dan goes after 
		him as Zach goes for the triple...jump.....MOONSAULT!!!
*Crowd goes oooh*

	Mario:	And the table didn't break!!! Both men are laying there,
		and the impact of that had to...DAN SENT DOWN HARD

	Cross:	Greg now climbing the ropes as both men are still on the



	Mario:	I had forgotten that the Runners have been known to get
		a bit crazy in their day....all four men are out on the
		arena floor.

		# WINNER:  Time Limit Draw   20:00 #

	Cross:	Ring announcer Alison Carrere-Matthews announcing this
		one a draw, as the ring crew and a host of paramedics down
		there to check on the principals...

	Mario:	You can bet that this is probably just the start of something
		much bigger...CofA making a statement tonight, but you
		can't discount the fact that the Runners are back, and back
		in a big way...and the EWC tag scene is going to be heating
		up even more in the coming weeks.

	Cross:	Folks, when we come back, the Cut 'n Shoot Finals, but lets
		hear a few words now from the World's Heavyweight Champion,

[We fade in on a completely totalled locker room.  Doors hang off their
hinges, garbage cans are overturned and mirrors are shattered, the camera
pans across to a lone folding chair sitting in the middle of the carnage.
On it, hair dripping wet, with the EWC World Title at his feet, is the
champion; Fuego.  He isn't happy...

Grendel for weeks now you've been bitching and whinning about people not
giving you any respect.  You kept going out to the ring and crying about
getting hurt, trying to get everyone in your corner because you get treated
like a rag doll.  You know what?  Up until a week ago I was one of those
people.  I was ready to step into the ring tonight and show you that THE
man in EWC did respect you.  I was going to raise your game to levels you
didn't know it could be at and after all was said and done, once I'd pinned
your shoulders to the mat, I was going to get up and shake your hand.  That
was a week ago.  Well, a lot can change in a week.

[the camera zooms in on Fuego's face, specifically to a long scar running
down the side of his cheek]

Grendel...last week you jumped me from behind, you took me on the only way
you had a chance--with a chair without warning--like a terrified little
coward.  You know what?  This scar is all that happened. 28 stiches, big
[bleepin'] deal.  I took what you had when the cards were stacked in your
favor--I took you poor excuse for a best shot and I'm still here.  You can
talk about taking my face.  You can predict that you're going to break my
leg.  Do whatever you have need to so you can convince yourself you
actually have a chance against me.  Whatever you need to get the balls to
climb into that ring tonight.  But let me set the record straight.  I am
bigger. I am stronger. I am tougher.  I am just as fast.  And I am a whole
HELL OF A LOT NASTIER than you can ever dream!  Only one of us is the world
champion.  And only the other one of us is about to feel what it's really
like to be a rag doll.

[Fuego leaps off the chair and kicks it across the room into a wall--he
then stares right into the camera.]

Grendel...tonight you experience true, prolonged, suffering.  I am going to
break you into pieces, chew you up and spit your puny, bloody, carcass all
over the mat.  A week ago I was going to play nice...but now, Fuego's gonna--

[he grabs the lens and sticks it right up in his face]


[cut to static]
