Imperial Guide


Absolution: Imperial Protectorate

Class:F Population: Unknown

Industry: None

Language: Unknown

This world was compromised by a symbiotic organism many millennia ago, that infects all living things. Travel to Absolution is strictly forbidden and possessing a jump key for this system is a capitol offence.


Apshai: Vau World

Class:C Population: 10 million mundanes with 100,000 Vau

Industry: Vau artifacts, Entertainment, Hospitality.

Language: Trade

Ruler: Motolina of Vau, she is tall and stunning with her pale skin and long white hair. She usually has the dreamy expression on her long face typical of the Vau. She wears the long white robe typical of her race and is usually surrounded by glowing Soul Shards.

A typical world with many Imperial Citizens living on it except for the southern continent which Imperials are forbidden to enter. This is where the Vau themselves make their home. This joint world was negotiated thousands of years ago to settle some long ago dispute between the Empire and the Vau. Impirial spies are sent here to observe the Vau but they never get close enough to see anything, a "Mission to Apshai" is the equivalent of a vacation. This is the primary point of contact between the Empire proper and the Independent Protectorate of Vau.


Arkendale: Imperial Protectorate

Class: A Population: None

Industry: None


Humans: Any and Vau

Ambassador Nathan Timothy Silicate His face is light brown and his eyes black as smoked glass. He rarely wears finery preferring simple working clothes.

Abundant Wildlife and Vast Forests once covered the Continents. The system does not even have a working jump gate after it was destroyed by Nephandi in ancient times. The long lived Ambassador still claims a seat in the Council of Worlds but his opinions are usually ignored.


Artemis: Church Protectorate

Class: B Population: 10,000 permanent, hundreds of thousands of sick.

Industry: Medical

Language: Trade, Anglish

Humans: Any

Ambassador: Cardinal Oma, an elderly man originally from Apshai. He is always in the robes of his order, and is often tending to the ill when not in Council of Worlds business, which is most of the time.

Ruler: Archbishop Sakhya of Artemis. A very elderly man who has been personal physician to emperors. He is nearly blind in one eye and is now himself beginning to feel the effects of a long life.

Artemis's one continent has an extended northern winter followed by a short summer. Regardless it is the home of the Sanctuary Aeon monastery. The presence of Numismiton gas deposits first attracted the order many thousands of years ago. Most of which are long since exhausted, and are only tapped in the direst of emergencies (to heal an Emperor without an heir for example). Immigration is strictly controlled and even nobles and Guild members must obey church law while on Artemis. The sick and dying from all over the empire come here because it still holds the best healing technology from the golden age. Most who can afford the trip return whole.


Aragon: Hazat Homeworld

Class:C Population: 250 million

Industry: Hospitality, Entertainment, Agriculture

Language: Trade

Humans: Mainly Greek

Ambassador: His Grace Jose Alfanso Louis Eduardo de Aragon. A massive man in red with a full curly beard.

Ruler: His Highness Juan Jacobi Nelson Eduardo de Aragon, High Prince of Aragon, he is the head of the Hazat family and ruler of the planet. His once powerful frame is now shrunken and he is confined to a chair. He is still sharp of mind and rules over his family with an iron fist.

Artemis itself benefits from being one short Jump from the Capitol. They can find a market for anything they wish to produce for the people of the cash bloated capitol. But while the nobility and wealthy live in luxury, the conditions for the planets peasants are among the worst. The Hazat military academy is second to none and the Hazat army is well treated by the family. Many officers in Muster Mercenary groups received their initial training here.


Aylon: al Malik

Class:D Pop: 6 million

Industry: Hospitality

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatic

Ambassador: Vizier Abdul al Malik, a small man with a long wispy mustache and dark eyes set in his wrinkled face. He usually has a grin and delights in telling riddles.

Ruler: His Grace Haisim al Malik Duke Aylon, a middle aged man with long black hair and a beard that is beginning to show some gray. He loves to hunt and is often on the planets may preserves hunting the multitude of strange beasts that the ancients genetic engineering left them with.

According to legend this is the first planet the Prophet first ministered to the masses. Pilgrims come from all over the known worlds to see the sacred place the Prophet first stood and spoke the words of divine revelation. The al Malik do a brisk trade catering to the pilgrims. They also cater to big game hunters as the creatures from dinosaurs to the even more exotic roam the planet's wilds.


Bannockburn: Guild World

Class:D Pop:140 million

Industry: Ur Artifact, Muster Guild

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Ambassador: Bannockburn is represented by Leagueheim

Ruler: His Lordship Dean Kryanid de Bannockburn, Baron Agrivas, Head of the Guild. He is an old general who served the Hazat as chief strategist in the Deva Loca invasion of Falkovina for which he received a title and land on Falkovina as well as a meddle which he wears on his Muster Uniform. He returned to Bannockburn when the Hazzat tried to send a counter attack to Deva Loca, declaring it folly.

Bannockburn is a rough world showing signs of strip mining on a grand scale tens of thousands of years ago, before the Triangle in Ashanti times. Some artifacts were found here but the valuable ones have all been stripped away, long before the guilds even came to control the world. Bannockburn supports the Stigmata Garrison as a fall back position should a Symbiot invasion force ever defeat the Garrison at Stigmata.


Bluetspur: Class:C Pop:Unknown # of Metabeles

Industry: Muster Guild

Language: Metabalese


Ruler:The Queen Mother

Mountains with Spires and Crevices at impossible angles. Few free humans ever travel here except for churchmen moving between Pyre and Grail.


Borca: Church Controlled

Levkarest: Class:D Pop:1.5 Billion

Starben: Class:E Pop:2 Million

Industry: Agriculture, Hospitality, Entertainment Guild

Language: Skaldic

Humans: Mainly Celtic

Ambassador: Currently Open

Ruler: Arch Bishop Benji Frankfut Over weight and short, dressed as a gentleman with curly brown hair.

Green Lush Valleys and dark Oceans describe the closer of the two worlds Levkarest. It was bequeathed to the church many centuries ago and serves as an important agrarian base for the churches less pastoral holdings in the region. The people are well known for their faith. Starben is a small world further out with some heavy industry on the less hospitable planet.


Byzantium Secondus: Imperial Home world

Class:A Population: 2.3 billion

Industry: Government, Entertainment, Hospitality

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Ruler: His Imperial Majesty Alvarex XVIII, Supreme Emperor of Byzantium, he is 19 and only just avoided an imperial regent because he convinced the Imperial Guard to stand around the interior of the Senate Chamber and look menacing until the Senate agreed to pronounce a regent as Unnecessary. He'd learned the maneuver from one of his tutors, which was first done by a 21-year-old Emperor 2000 years ago to prevent a non-Hawkwood regent from ruling the Empire for four years. The vote was Unanimous. Emperor Alverex has always been called a clever boy and has studied much of the Empire's long and tangled history. He has blond hair and is usually clad in purple and gold finery, to remind every one that he IS the Supreme ruler of Known space. His father was killed in the Falkovina counter invasion when he was 11, and the previous Emperor was already in failing health.

Byzantium Secondus is clad in grand Archologies on the Administrative Continent. The Treasury Continent holds the ancient forge used to make the Prismium coins that serve as currency. The residency is a continent of parks and gardens with the Imperial Palace at the center, the grandeur of which is rivaled only by the Patriarchs palace on Earth. The administrative continent is in the upper latitudes and is prone to frequent and heavy rain storms, the reason that the Beaurocrats were given that out of the three. The Treasury Continent is also home to the Fleet and is headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Empire. It also has its share of parks and gardens, but the climate is not as pleasant. Byzantium Secondus imports almost all its food, and at great expense exports its waste to moons of one of the systems outer worlds for recycling. Banishment to the recycling plants is one of the favorite punishments of Emperors whose advisors have failed them.


Cadavus: Decados World

Class:D Population: 2 million.

Industry: Spiritualism

Language: Trade

Humans: Skaldic

Ambassador: Lord Vladimir Juan Decados, Count Vadus, an older man with long white locks of hair. He is a well-known womanizer and is said to have hosted more then one disreputable party.

Ruler: his Grace Zachariah Peter Decados, Duke Cadavus. A middle aged Duke whose attentions are usually away from his ancient world. He wears brown robes that would be nondescript but for their fine craftsmanship and complex brown embroidery that from a distance blends in with the robes.

Cadavus has changed hands hundreds of times in the last 2000 years, often as a bargaining chip in negotiations, and once in a game of cards. Even the Church possessed the world once. Its lands are exhausted of their fertility and the easily obtained minerals are long since mined away. Most of what remains of this intensely poor world are religious monasteries. It is said that records from the Triangle and the First Republic of Sol are kept here, carefully maintained by the monks as an act of devotion. It is not as well organized as the Great Library on Leagueheim and is not considered of much use because of it. Or much of a threat either.


Cadiz: Decados World

Class:A Population: 1.2 Billion

Industry: Durables

Language: Cathari

Humans: Any

Ambassador: Father Alaxi Decados, an elderly priest and younger sibling of the previous Duke who chose to follow the church as a vocation. He is clever despite never achieving high rank in the church, he was his brother's confessor.

Ruler: His Grace Karl Elias Decados, Duke of Cadiz. In his late thirties he is tall and strong, and rarely seen on his home world, preferring to tour the stars.

Cadiz was once the playground for the rich with huge beautiful buildings built along once shimmering coasts. The planet has seen better days and now suffers from severe poverty. Fishing vessels go out from the coastal cities, and the interior is over run by wild Genetically altered beasts. Those that could afford to moved away from the planet a long time ago.


Chernborg: Imperial Protectorate

Class:F Population: Unknown

Industry: None

Language: None

Chernborg is the home world of the Symbiots. They are a race of organisms that infest other living things. They were discovered by the first explorers. They make a forays through the Stigmata Gate every generation or so. Sometimes they succeed enough to board and infest a patrol ship. Then the true horror is realized. The Church has declared them Soul Eaters. The infested appear to become part human part plant, and are quick to tell their comrades that they have seen the truth of universal life, and then ask them to join them. It has been a constant threat for countless thousands of years, and were the motivation that united humanity into a single unified Empire under Alexius I, with the realization humanity needed a unified response or all would fall. Most of what is now known about them is myth and legend.


Criticorum: al Malik world

Class:A Population:4 billion

Industry: Heavy Durables

Language: Cathari

Humans: mostly Asiatics, but all kinds present

Ambassador: Bishop Aldaz al Malik, in his mid twenties he is a young bishop, achieving high church office because of his families strong church ties. He has a generally Asiatic appearance with long black hair, he is only seen in his bishop's regalia when serving in his official capacity and is otherwise dressed as any other young noble, though he goes unarmed. He is the third son of his mother the Duchess Criticorum.

Ruler: Her Grace Jala al Malik, Duchess Criticorum. She is a middle aged woman who succeeded her father. As ruler of this important world.

Criticorum is the former capitol of the Second Republic, in ancient times. Its giant manufacturing plants are still usable and can turn out vehicles and weapons of ancient design when fed with raw materials. Keeping the ancient machines functioning has become increasingly labor intensive over the millennia. It would take fewer people to just build the things the factories produce, but the techniques the machines duplicate are lost in the mists of history. It also lies at a crossroads between Decados, Li Halan, al Malik, Church and Imperial controlled worlds. Its importance as a source of ancient products means that all factions have a presence here. It is a challenge to rule.


Daishan: Imperial Protectorate

Class:F Population: None

Industry: None

Daishan fell to the symbiotes in ancient times. The Newly formed Imperial navy sent the, then 5000-year-old command ship the Perseus to Daishan. The planet was bombarded until its surface was reduced to molten slag and the atmosphere was filled with charged Ions. No life could have survived. Unfortunately the planet was returned to a state of primordialism and will not be habitable by any life for many millions of years. Daishan is considered an example of the terrible might of the Empire. The Symbiotes are kept at bay so that this need never be done again. The result was so horrible that the Emperor swore to the Patriarch that he, no any Emperor after him would ever snuff out the light of a living world again. This promise is part of the Oath the Emperor takes when the Patriarch anoints him.


Darkon: Imperial Protectorate

Il Aluk: Class:A Pop: 2.5 Billion (Dacados Count)

Maritia Bay: Class:B Pop: 1 Billion Humans (Hawkwood Count)

Korg: Class:F Pop:85 Million (Hawkwood Count)

Viaki: Class:E Pop:8 Million (Hawkwood Count)

Nortok: Class:D Pop:7.5 Million (Dacados Count)

Rivalis: Class:D Pop:5 Thousand Silicates

Corva: Class:C 4 Million mostly Orcs (Dacados Count)

Tempe Falls: Class:E Pop:2.5 Million mostly orcs (Dacados Count)

Neblus: Class:D Pop:2 Million Daemon (Hawkwood Count)

Maykle: ClassE Pop:2 Million Humans (Hawkwood Count)

Mayvin: Class:A Pop:1.5 Million Humans (Dacados Count)

Delagia Class:E Pop:150 Thousand Silicates

Neuter Spinas: Class:B Pop: 1 Million Daemon (Hawkwood Count)

Sidnar: Class:C Pop:1 Million Daemon (Hawkwood Count)

Industry: Durables, Disposables, Navigators, Hospitality, Law, Silicates, Spiritual, Hospitality, Entertainment.

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asian, mostly Han.

Ambassador: Open

Governor: Brendian Erendyle of House al-Malic, Human with silvery gray hair and a few wrinkles. She still stands strait and tall and is one of the Emperors oldest and most trusted servants, almost 180 now, kept somewhat youthful by skilled as a Geneticists.

Planets are mostly sheathed in domes and massive Archologies to support their planets populations and capacities. Nearly all manufacturing in the Empire outside Leagueheim takes place on the many worlds that orbit the numerous gas giants, which provide fuel for the industries. The system could not exist without the endless supplies of grains from the incredibly fertile Nova Vasa, the breadbasket of the Empire.

Delphi: Hawkwood

Class:B Population: 1 Billion

Industry: Agriculture

Language: Trade

Humans: Greek

Ambassador: Lady Morgein Hawkwood, Baroness Mycene. She is middle-aged and well known for her exploits as a youth. She has long dark hair and an olive complexion, she wears more practical clothes, with durability in mind, but they are still beautifully crafted.

Ruler: His Grace Alexander Hawkwood, Duke Delphi. He is in his late eighties and it shows. He was long at odds with the Emperor over the hand of the Current Emperors Grandmother. In the end he lost her to the Then Imperial Prince, and remained bitter about it. He would have been appointed Regent had the Emperor not interfered in the Senate. This is something new to be bitter about. His daughter Victoria has begun to take up the reins of power and will someday be Duchess. The Duke never liked the woman he did marry and they had only the one child.

Delphi is already a pastoral planet of small islands, with few land masses that could be called continents. The Hawkwoods take their responsibility as nobles very seriously and the peasants are well treated. Olive groves on hillsides and fishing fleets occupy most of the people of Delphi.


Dementilue: Decados

Class:D Pop: 4 Million Humans

Industry: Hospitality, Entertainment.

Language: Trade

Humans: Heladic and Semetic

Ambassador: Lord Dominic d'Honair of house Decados, Human 5'7" handsome with red hair pulled into a ponytail and dressed as a gentleman.

Ruler: His Grace Sambala d'Honair Duke Dementilue, Short pump man with a full dark beard. He has his own microbrewery as a hobby.

Meandering Coasts and a wide variety of climates. The Decados, with their taste for blood sport have made this planet the Extreme Sports Capitol of the Empire. Athletes as well as teams of muster mercenaries come here to compete and have their exploits recounted across the known worlds.


De Moley: Church World

Class:F Pop:500,000

Industry: Spiritualism

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Ambassador: Adept Aaron of Earth, a young brother of the Brother Battle order. He wears the lose flowing robs of the brothers, with its light but strong armor plate underneath. He is in his mid thirties and is somewhat overwhelmed by representing his order to the Imperial and Patriarchal Courts, he pulls double duty as both.

Ruler: Master Claudius of De Moley, an aged brother who has fought Symbiotes as well as muster mercenaries in interhouse conflicts. He is well versed in the martial art of the order called simply The Way.

De Moley was once partially terraformed but the machines failed thousands of years ago. The Brothers took possession of the ruined world and made it their headquarters where they can train in their secret techniques without distraction from outsiders. The atmosphere is too thin to breathe, and respirators are needed on the surface.


Dorvina: Justinian

Class:C Pop:1.5 Billion Humans

Industry: Durables and Mining Guilds


Humans: Any, Asian most common.

Ambassador: Ivan Dilisnya Justinian. Human. Small thin man 5'7" barely 120lb. Curly blond hair in a tangled halo around his face, bright blue eyes and a perpetual grin.

Ruler: His Grace Carlisian Justinian, Duke Dorvina. Human. Average height and weight with fair hair and skin.

Production is in mountainside Archologies of the rugged and otherwise baron world rich in minerals and rare earth elements. This is one of the small worlds controlled by the once grand House of Justinian.


Falkovina: Hazat

Class:C Pop:65 Million

Silbervas: Class:F Pop:5 Million

Industry: Agriculture and Mining Guilds



Ambassador Vlad Drakov, Human. Tall and dark he is actually over seventy but appears to be in his mid 40s. His features are weathered and his beard streaked with gray. Brooding Blue-gray eyes and large hawkish nose. He wears battle dress and plated armor. He is recognized by the silver hawk's head emblem on his gear. The War Hawk, a Line Ship and his former Flag Ship when he was Marshal, is rarely far away. (Blood Thirsty)

Ruler: Dominicus Desnae Hazat, Human. Tall and heavily muscled. He wears his graybeard long. He dresses in heavy robes, having given up the Battle armor of his regiment. (Friendly but tempered with age, likes to test people.)

Falkovina is an Exporter of Wheat and other grains, which it grows in great abundance. The next planet out is the cold and barren world of Silbervas, which is principally a mining world, whose population lives in abject poverty, composed of rejects from Falkovina.


Farelle: Guild World

Class:E Pop:Primitive No Count

Industry: Muster Guild

A Primitive world which is being used to study a primitive culture as it develops. They are presently coming into a period of early industrialization. Landing on the planet is prohibited by the Guild who wish to understand Humans better by watching them Develop. Jack Karn, Anthropologist is in charge of the project.

Forlorn: Guild World


Industry: Charioteers Guild

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Ambassador: None

Ruler: Dean Doriath Erendyl, Human. 5'5" and 125 pounds he is the Chief Explorer, and wears an Charioteers uniform with his Long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. He has Served on many Charioteer ships, and loves to exchange stories.

A storm washed outpost, it has a small orbiting refueling station called Tristenoria. It was once the official launch point for exploration into the Unexplored Territories, but now serves as the well defended home away from home of the Charioteers Guild.


Grail: Kedah World

Class:E Population: 200 million

Industry: Agriculture

Language: Skaldic

Humans: Celt

Ambassador: The Decados speak for Grail in Council

Ruler: Lord Federik Kedah, Earl of Grail. A client state of the Decados, the system has been demoted from Duchy to County. He is bitter and minor noble. The house lost badly in an extended feud with the al Malik and sought the protection of the Decados to prevent extermination.

Grail gets its name from the symbol on the Sanctuary Aeon monastery that dominates the capitol world. It is lush forests over most of the land. It is said that the prophet was healed of a spiritual darkness here, and pilgrims are sometimes sent here by the Amaltheans after receiving treatment on Artemis for bodily ailments.


Gundarak: Li Halan

Class:C Pop:40 Million

Industry: Agriculture, Entertainment, and Muster Guild

Language: Cathari

Humans: Slavic Dominated

Ambassador: Currently Open

Ruler Engledoc Dewsap Li Halan, Duke Gundarak. Tall and heavy built, with long black hair. Dressed as a Gentleman most of the time, with sunken dark eyes.

A planet with vast coniferous forests, the wood of which is harvested for export. The cleared land is used to raise heard animals. The Planet was also known for its Universities which excel in the Social Sciences, but now pales compared to the knowledge held at the Academy. 300 years ago a fervor of book burning swept the planet and many texts, some over 5000 years old were destroyed.


Gwyneth: Hawkwood World

Class:E Population:65 million

Industry: Agriculture, Disposables

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatics

Ambassador: Lord William Zachary Hawkwood, Earl of Shrynethearn. He is in his late fifties and still vital. With short black hair and clean shaved face. His concubine is said to be a pagan from Gwyneth, he is unmarried and often under suspicion by the Avestites.

Ruler: his Grace Peter Varance Hawkwood, Duke Gwyneth. He is in his late seventies and a contemporary of the old Emperor. He has grown more interested in gardening then in ruling and leaves the day to day work to his Steward

Gwyneth is a world which still has pagans living in its deep woods, who never converted. Its main export is paper, made from the fast growing trees of its forests. The Church declared the permanency of paper better then data in think machines many thousands of years ago and Gwyneth was granted the paper monopoly by the Hawkwood Emperor. Recently Orc raiders under the rule of Vuldark have acquired or created a jump key from some yet to be identified world and Qwyneth. They have used the key to make several raids, and the Duke's Steward has hired Muster Mercenaries to try and stop the raids to little effect.


Har'akir: Class:D Pop:0

Industry: None

Language: None

Ambassador: Silicate Race Leader Natalia Vhorishkova speaks for the home world. She affects short dark brown hair and dark eyes, with full red lips. Her features are sharp but attractive and appears to be in her mid twenties. She wears lose and un-restrictive clothing to show off her carefully sculpted human form. She to advises the Council of worlds in her capacity as an Ancient Silicate, but her home world is long dead, millennia ago it was destroyed by the Slaad.

Homeworld of the Silicates themselves. Daytime temperature often exceeds 200 Celsius and is inappropriate for most life forms. But the surface was reduced to molten slag after countless tons of sands were taken from the planets surface by Slaad.


Henna IV: Li Halan

Class:A Pop:10 Million

Industry: Military

Language: Trade, (Once Setar)

Ambassador: Petrovena Yagno Li Halan, Human. Pale narrow face with week features, with bloodshot almost pink eyes. He wears his robes as a devout priest of the Orthodox church. He knows he will be the last ambassador of his home planet and it makes him insane with anger and sorrow.

Governor: The Planet is under Military Rule.

This planet was once beautiful but has born the brunt of many attacks. The remaining population, mostly military personal either live below the surface or on the orbiting platform. It is near the galactic core and the sky is filled with stars. Of Strategic importance near the Core the Garrison is kept strong along with massive planetary defenses. It has suffered many Githyanki attacks over the centuries. In the past decade they were devastating.



Hazalan: al Malik

Class:B Pop:125 Million

Industry: Herding


Humans: Asiatic

Ambassador: Lord Hazlik al Malik. Human. A small man in his sixties, balding with Tattoo's on his head. His left eye is brown, his right is blue. He wears a long red robe that covers him from neck to toe of the Eskatonic Order. He is a mystic who espouses the powers of crystals, especially Soul Shards.

Governor: Gilfronden Erendyl al Malik, Duke Hazalan. Long white hair member of the Erendyl branch of the al Malik family. He is small and wiry, a former General of the Fleet, now retired.

Another Herding Planet. Its history is mostly unremarkable. It however follows the Mystic tradition of the Eskatonic Order, making it despised by Avestites.


Holy Terra: Church World

Class A Pop:1.2 Billion

Industry: Spiritualism

Language: Anglish

Humans: All

Ambassador: Cardinal Woolsy of Earth, a very old Cardinal that represents the Patriarch in the Imperial Court. He is always dressed in Red robes that do nothing for his pail frame. He can only stand for a few minutes at a time and is prone to fits of rage.

Ruler: His Holiness Patriarch Horace Mantius XIV. He is a man in his late 90's but is still very active from the seat of the Palace of the Patriarch on Luna.

The Earth is a closed world and no one goes there except for holy pilgrims with permission from the Patriarch, and only the Keepers live there. The planet has been made back into a sacred garden, bathed in the holy light of Sol. Ancient Archologies still stand as a testament to the rising of mankind to the stars. The holy court is housed on Luna, which is built on the side facing the Earth. The sacred library is also on Luna, but entry is as restricted as it is to the Earth itself.


Icon: Li Halan World

Class: C Pop: 20 million

Industry: Ur ruins, Agriculture

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatics

Ambassador: Brother Hari Li Halan, a mendicant monk that was called to serve as ambassador by his brother. He is 20 years his brother's junior and wears the black robes of his small house on Cadavus. He still has the signs of youth about him. He has copied many old documents regarding the Slaad and has nightmares about them. He'll tell any one who will listen about the amphibious demons.

Ruler: his Grace Shang Li Halan Duke of Icon, in his late middle years, he has become more and more interested in the Religious life. He dresses conservatively in clothes cut similar to holy orders.

Icon is sacred to the Li Halan family as it is here they converted to orthodoxy from lives of legendary lechery. The Avestities Inquisitorial Synod receives so many requests for cleanings from the Li Halan, that the inquisitors leave the planet mostly alone, much to the relief of the populous.


Invidia: Decados

Class:C Pop:20 million

Industry: Entertainment, Hospitality, Agriculture, Muster Guilds

Language: Skaldic, Trade

Humans: Heladic, Celtic, Hindu

Ambassador: Gabriella Aderra. Small solid woman with hypnotic eyes. Dresses in colorful gowns and scarves. She got her start as a Fortune-teller in the tourist trade and became renowned for her wisdom. Before that she was a Metabalese slave and she hates them. She has risen to the height where she became one of the Dukes most trusted advisor and represents the system on the Council of Worlds.

Ruler: His Grace Jerovis Manag Decados, Duke Invidia. Overweight, black hair and bright blue eyes, dressed in stylish clothes. He is a born deal maker and has his finger in every shady deal on the planet.

Terraformed around a twisting valley that runs from one ice cap on the southern pole to the vast northern ocean. A common Tourist destination it also has a raging organized crime syndicate. Games of Chance, forbidden on most planets, are extremely common and out in the open, thanks to a special dispensation an Invidian duke extracted from the Patriarch millennia ago. That doesn't stop Avestites from showing up to make trouble.

Istakhr: al Malik

Class: A Pop:650 million

Industry: Trade, mining.

Language: Trade

Humans: Asiatics, and all others

Ambassador: Lord Salome ab-Rashman, Baronet Dahk Oasis. Famed adventurer he wears colorful clothes so that he stands out. He has visited most worlds of none space, even holy terra, and managed to have a harrowing adventure on each one. Now in his seventies, he prefers to recount his tales then relive them.

Ruler: His Grace Hakim al-Malik, Duke Istakhr. He is said to have been sent as a youth to train with the Charioteers. He is a skilled tradesmen in his own right and understands navigation. He sometimes wears his old officer's uniform when receiving members of the guild. He is a jolly man with an ample girth now, and the uniform is surely been let out to fit him. His wife is a famed patron of the arts.

Istakhr is a desert world, and its prosperity comes from one thing, the Bazaar. Known space needs a place where anything can be bought and sold, and this is the place. Grain contracts from Nova Vasa, Ur Artifacts from Icon, space ships, and even small planets are bought and sold here daily. The lines of communication are so distant in the Empire that there is a need for a place like it. It is nearly lawless and an item is as likely to be stolen as not. But the al Malik family gains a lot of wealth from the tariffs, which are fraction what they are elsewhere, that they collect on everything at their Gate.


Kartakass: Imperial Protectorate

Class:E Pop:3,000 Silicates

Industry: Think Machines

Language: Triform

Ambassador: Harkon Lucas, Silicate. 6'2" and well muscled, as well as very beautiful by human standards, with thick wavy black hair and a well trimmed beard. Dressed in the most expensive fashions, not just Silicate construct.

Ruler: Jorodrin Feadiel, Silicate Slim and pale his eyes dart about fervently. He once served aboard a starship that was nearly destroyed.

Heavily forested the planet is riddled with natural and artificial caverns. Vast computer networks support the Silicates in their programming endeavors as well as making computers for export. Nearly every computer in the Empire originates on Kartakass. The Jump gate was damaged by anti alien terrorists years ago and can only handle one or two jumps a month, most of the time the on duty Silicates are trying to jury-rig another system to keep them connected to the rest of the galaxy.


Keening: Imperial Protectorate

Class:E Pop:None

Industry: None

10 billion people once lived here and the automated defenses are still formidable. Most of the population has been killed or fled from constant Slaad Attacks. Its space Station is barely kept on line by its automated system. Without a population to seize the Slaad have lost interest. It is rumored that a single Ithari uses the planet as a hermitage. And that is why after so many thousands of years no noble has claimed the system. The Empire occasionally clears out pirates that use the jump gate as a staging point. While the gate is there, incoming ships need to bring fuel for the gate to leave again as there is no one to keep the gate on line.


Kish: Li Halan Home world

Class:D Pop: 23 million

Industry: Herding, and mining

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatics

Ambassador: her Grace Fativa Li Halan, Duchess Midian. In her late sixties she speaks for her own world and for the home world in the Council. She has significant holdings on many worlds and Duchess is only her highest title. Her personal holdings rival those of the emperor and are not limited to Li Halan worlds.

Ruler: His Grace Flavius Li Halan, Duke Kish. Over 100 this leader of the family stays in his residence most of the time in contemplation, interrupted only to settle disputes between family members.

Kish is a desert world that had vast mineral resources, most of which have been mined away now. The planet is covered with Churches and monasteries built with that wealth. It is a harsh and hot world at the upper end of human tolerance, the atmosphere is oxygenated by terriforming machines built long ago. All the water is shipped down from comet ice processed in orbit.


Kordeth: al Malik-Guild world

Class:E population 2 million

Industry: mining and pharmaceuticals

Language: Trade

Humans: Asiatics

Ambassador: Leaguheim speaks for Kordeth

Ruler: his Grace Hakar al Malik Duke Kordeth, a young man who inherited the peculiar situation from his great grandfather. He has dark hair and eyes, and dresses in simple clothing, though of fine quality. The Duke's great grandfather won the planet in a card game. But the League master he won it from retained control of its seat in the Council.

Kordeth is a world uninhabitable on the surface, bathed in massive amounts of radiation from its star. But there are networks of natural caves and tunnels leading to deposits of rare earth elements and lit by glowing mosses and fungi that live off of heat energy from the many thermal springs and serve as a basis of higher life forms, most are vicious and deadly.


Lamordia: Guild World

Class:D Pop:2 Million

Industry: Mining & Materials, Entertainment Guilds

Languages: Trade, Cathari

Humans: Asiatics and Helladic

Ambassador: Victor Mordenheim, 37 years old. Tall and wirery but not athletic. He sometimes twitches nervously. Skin is pale and his blue eyes are muddied and tired. He enjoys the knowledge he gains from dissection and Vivisection.

Governor: Master Lynnwyl Chossum. Portly dark haired with a curly black beard. Most senior member of the Ruling body, but not particularly talented.

Vast cold oceans and two small continents, Ludendorf in the North and Neufurchtenburg in the south. The College of Materials Engineering makes this the place most Guildsmen are actually trained. Relative abundance of titanium and uranium makes the planet an important supplier of military materials.


Leagueheim: Guild World

Class:A population: 2 billion

Industry: All

Language: Trade

Humans: All

Ambassador: Consul Oliver Lords, Scravers Guild. A small man in his late 40's with bad teeth and an evil grin. He uncovered an ancient weapons depot from the Second republic and sol it to the Hawkwoods when he was in his 20's.

Ruler: Leaguemeister Tyrus Spear, Reeve. A legendary jurist and advocate, Tyrus has is now in his 80's and considered still as sharp as ever. He has white swept back hair and a skinny frame covered in his robes.

Leagueheim is the home of the League of Trade Guilds, and every guild with members on more then one world has a representative here. Each Guild's master helps elect the Leaguemeister who assures the independence of all the Guilds from the nobility and the Church. It is also home to the Academy Interatta, which seeks to preserve ancient knowledge, and exploit the ancient's lore. Criticorum may have the machines, but Leagueheim has their secrets. Students to the academy must be sponsored by a Guild master and security is very high. The Leagues independence is only as strong as their usefulness. Betraying guild secrets is a crime punishable by death, usually at the hands of a hired Muster guild mercenary.



Leminkainen: Hawkwood world

Class:D Population:40 Million

Industry: Agriculture

Language: Trade

Humans: Greeks and Celts

Ambassador: Lord Jaxon Hawkwood, Baron Greenwold. In his early sixties the Baron has long black hair and proudly wears his medals for his service fighting the symbiots in their last invasion some 30 years ago.

Ruler: her Grace Catharina Hawkwood, Regent. The Duke is only three years old and his mother has been appointed regent. She is in her early thirties. The old Duke was nearly 60 and it is said his heart expired in the bedchamber. Catharina is a Decados daughter by birth and it was pressure from her family that led to her being appointed Regent for her son Nathaniel Hawkwood.

Leminkainen is another world dominated by forests, grasses were never introduced. In the deep wood there is a colony of pagans who live apart and claim to be independent. The Hawkwoods say they are delusional and allow them to live apart so that they do not infect the believers with their pagan mysticism.



Madoc:Guild World

Class:C Population:4 million

Industry: Agriculture, entertainment, Hospitality

Language: Trade

Humans: Asiatics

Ambassador: Leagueheim speaks for Madoc.

Ruler: Consul Lillian Staggs, Charioteer. She is a middle aged woman who is chief executive of Stagg lines, the best known passenger service in the Empire. She accepted the position as Ruler of Madoc as it was a common destination point and important for shipping.

Madoc is an aquatic world filled with fish, other aquatic delicacies and great vast fields of kelp in its shallow seas. It supplies most of the food for Leagueheim, which only a jump away, and provides delicacies to Byzantium Secondus, just two jumps away. There is one large island that was made artificially. The water is fresh as there has long since been no plate tectonics to push the surface up above the water. The Island is surrounded by white sand beaches and is considered a fine holiday destination for the very rich. The people are mostly fishermen, plying the seas for its valuable food exports.


Malignatius: Decados World

Class:E Population: 3 million

Industry: Durables, Mining

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatics

Ambassador: Lord Torel Adrian Decados, Earl of Highmount. He is a middle aged lord with a wind burned complexion and scraggly hair. He has a perpetual squint and seems to be incredulous of statements like cats have four legs.

Ruler: Aaron Peter Decados, Duke Malignatius. He is in his mid forties and surprisingly dedicated to his planet, for a Decados. He is usually clad in furs against the planets chill.

Malignatius has two massive ice caps at either poll that cover half the planets surface in total. The equator is a frigid ocean with a few large wind swept islands covered with peat bogs and moors. Under the ice are rich deposits of nickel, copper, and titanium. The glaciers go all the way down to the bed rock. One first has to tunnel through miles of ice to get to the valuable minerals. The planet was once Li Halan controlled but the Decados seized the world many years ago. Religious fervor is still quite prevalent in the population.


Manitou:Vau Protectorate

Class:D Population:150 thousand

Industry: Agriculture, Entertainment, Hospitality

Language: Trade

Humans: All

Ambassador: The Vau speak for Manitou

Ruler: Dean Melissa Winters, Reeves Guild. In her early seventies but in excellent health thanks to the best technology money can buy, she appears to be in her early thirties. She was the Head of Darkon Financier's Trust, the oldest banking firm in the Empire, for almost ten years. She used that power to amass a vast personal fortune. However, Enemies on the Board of Trusties arranged for her to fall foul of the Avestites, involving her sexual exploits and use of pagan rituals to pick high risk investments. So crass were her crimes that her Guild refused to protect her, least it tarnish their image. She packed up her fortune and fled to Manitou. Manitou is a safe haven for psychics created by the Vau and the Avestite inquisitors are never allowed in the system.

Manitou is an unremarkable world except that the Vau have made it a safe haven from imperial justice. Criminals of all sorts, but especially those wanted by the Synod, flee to this world. Most people don't come here unless they have to, the fear of psychics is so great. The other criminals are allowed for reasons known only to the Vau themselves, perhaps it is a model of the planets underbelly. Needless to say, the Vau do not involve themselves in events planet side. So who ever has the most power rules. In this case it is Melissa Winters who uses her wealth to create a vast syndicate that can operate all over the galaxy with impunity, at least at the top. It is said she sacrifices those that double cross her to dark powers.


Markovia: Class:D Pop: No Permanent

Industry: None

Once the Crown Jewel of the Triangle the planet is entirely devoid of life after Millennia of attacks by Nephandi. Like the Earth, Dark Matter flows through this planet. Because of this the Nephandi hoped to wipe out the population and occupy it as their own fortress world with abundance. It was a very important planet and the Empire fought hard to hold on to it, and continue to repel the Nephandi so that they can't occupy it. They don't know why the Nephandi want it but they intend to keep it away from them. The Church long ago declared it the earth's equal and opposite number in the cosmos, it is considered a profane place and only members of the Brother's Battle are allowed to have jump keys to this world to protect it from Nephandi. Its corrupting influence is considered to great for any others.


Midian: Li Halan World

Class:C Population 580 Million

Industry: Agriculture

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatics

Ambassador: Bishop Xion Li Halan, a very elderly man with thin gray hair and failing health. He is rarely seen standing and is said to be over 100 years old.

Ruler: His Grace Fang Wan Li Halan, Duke Midian. A devout and elderly man who has taken to ritual seclusion in his autumn years. There is even a rumor he has died but that his Vizier keep is secret so that the Duke's son can not inherit

The Birthplace of the very first Patriarch, who united the teachings of the Prophet into the one church that became the Church of the Pancreator, and drove out the Paganism of ancient times. The planet embraced pastorals and has only enough machinery for its own defense, but there isn't a mechanized threshing machine on the entire planet. Rice is the staple crop, grown in abundance.


Mordent: Hawkwood

Class:E Pop:200 Million Human and Daemon

Industry: Muster, Entertainment Guilds

Language: Trade, Setar

Humans: Celtic

Ambassador: Lord Wilfred Godfry, Daemon. White beard and hair with slightly pointed teeth, dressed as a peer of the realm. His wife is always goading him to higher position and then mocking the way he does it.

Governor: Prince Emit Hawkwood, Regent. Tall and thin with dark brown hair and eyes, and drooping mustache. He is Uncle to 10 year old George Hawkwood, Duke Mordent.

Its only export is the abundant bounty of its oceans. It has other resources but is most noted for its military Tradition. The Daemon and Humans still engage in rivalrous sporting events which are often bloody and dangerous, of martial nature, from Hoplite battles using stun batons in place of spears to boxing matches. The Hawkwoods are the Dominant Human Family and the Godfroys the Dominant Daemon Family. The orbiting fortress of Gryphon Hill is one of the most heavily armed and armored in the Empire. Avestites are also common as the Daemon are said to be both psychics and pagans.

Nightmare Lands: Imperial Protectorate

Class F Pop: Unknown


A Jump gate is maintained but little else. The planet is a said to be a shifting patch work of reality. It is said that it was the victim of some super weapon that no one dares to use again. The Abber Nomads are the only inhabitants. Sometimes criminals come here seeking relief from the pursuit of the law. No one dares go down to the planet to see what sort of relief they find.


Nova Vasa: al Malik

Class: A

Planet Kantora: Pop:1.6 Billion

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatic

Space Platforms Arbora, Bergovista, Egertus and Liara: Pop 8 Million

Industry: Agriculture, Disposables Guilds

Ambassador: Gondegal al Malik. Tall and Grey haired he still caries his Sabre of command. He looks Fortyish with drooping Mustache.

Ruler: Her Grace Violet Pismire al Malik, Duchess Novasa. Short and Scrawny with thin mouse colored hair and never smiles. Her voice is scratchy at best.

An Agricultural Powerhouse Kantora has the highest yields of any planet and is the bread basket of the Empire. The Platforms are vast manufacturing centers for food products of every type and description, from cakes too easy to prepare four course meals, and spicy delicacies. The Planet is in the Corner near Slaad and Watcher Space and is heavily defended by its Platforms and by the "Gladius" Command Ship and its Battle Fleet of Nine Line Ships under the Command of General Hiregaard. The planet itself is fertile fields with mountain size pipes and other terrafroming machines as old as time itself to keep this world fertile and producing. The oceans are long gone, drained for fields, any salt in them removed and used for food processing. Orbiting reflectors direct Nova Vasa's light down on the surface evenly. The systems methane gas giants are drained of the gas to produce nutrients to replace those shipped to other worlds in grain shipments.


Nowhere: Imperial Protectorate

Class:F Population: <1000

Industry: Spiritualism

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Governor: Admiral Adar de'Honair, Baron Hollisfield. A Hazat Baron who is an Admiral in the imperial Fleet. When he was a mere captain 30 years ago his ship was infested by a symbiot boarding ship. The ship had to be destroyed and his own brother was burned because he was infected. He suspects this planet might be compromised and has imposed his own blockade. He is in his seventies now and will go on at length about the symbiots.

Nowhere is a dusty world un which rests a gigantic carved gargoyle, believed to be Annunaki in origin. It is said to be an oracle that can see into the distant past and future. When a ship enters the system the fleet boards it and seizes any jump keys. If they insist on going down to the planet they are warned that they will be destroyed if they attempt to dustoff. A few pilgrims live on the dusty surface trying to survive until the Admiral is replaced and they can leave again.


Pandemonium: Decados

Class: C Population: 500,000

Industry: Mining

Language: Skaldic

Humans: Celts

Ambassador: Currently open.

Ruler: Her Grace Salandra Decados, Duchess Grange. She uses the title that predates the failure of the terriforming that caused the planets residents to change its name to Pandemonium. She is usually finely dressed with long blond hair. But her appearance is quicksilver and changes at her whim. She is also a member of the Supreme Order of Engineers, having been sent to Leagueheim to learn discipline as a child. She had to fend of a claim by her uncle to the world but did so. She has yet to select a new ambassador since taking up the reins of power after her father's death.

Pandemonium was once a fertile world, the result of a miracle of terriforming technology. But over the past 300 years the machines began to fail, spewing out sands and rock laden with heavy mettles and toxic rare earth elements. While some farm land is still arable it is left fallow. Mining has replaced farming as the dying terrafroming machines launch materials up to the surface that have lain untouched under fertile lands for thousands of years. The Engineers worked hard to stabilize the teraforming equipment under the capitol city of Hub, keeping it viable as a population center. Nearly the entire planets population now lives here, most farmers are long gone, and people work in ore processing plants to ship materials to Criticorum, Darkon and other industrialized systems.


Pentateuch: Church World

Class: B Population: 640 Million

Industry: Agriculture, Spiritualism

Language: Cathari

Humans: Any

Ambassador: Provost Alustro a very young man with black hair and very small stature. Is nephew of an Orthodox Hierophant. He is out of his depth with intrigue at the imperial capitol but does his best. He seems very earnest to most.

Ruler: Magus Moore, he is the elderly head of the Order. He is in his late seventies and is quite rotund. His cheery disposition puts most people at ease.

Pentateuch was the masterpiece of Teraforming Engineer Doramos. The entire face of the world was resculpted to provide fertile fields and beautiful mountain vistas. Springs up the center of mountains create giant waterfalls. It is said that the land is arranged to create ley lines and nexus points. Whether this is true or not is unknown. All of Doramos's notes and methods are lost. His name however was carved by a meandering river that stretches across the plains, clearly visible from space.


Pyre: Church Controlled

Class:E population:70 thousand

Industry: Spiritualism

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Ambassador: Bishop Gondo Ortiz de Aragon. He heads the Inquisitorial Synod that sends out all inquisitors. He wears the traditional gray robes worn by inquisitors since the Daemon Nephandi Hunters of ancient times. He is shriveled, nearly bald with a few wisps of white hair in his nineties and wears a perpetual scowl.

Ruler: Archbishop Doleman of Pyre. In his late seventies now, he came to the order of Avesti when he was only an illiterate twelve year old who'd been picked on by his peers, and has been fighting evil ever since. He is still virtually illiterate, knowing just enough to find his way around but not enough to pick up dangerous ideas. He believes that reason is an impediment of faith and is used to trick the faithful down paths of moral and mental debauchery.

Pyre itself is a very hot desert planet. The Temple of Avesti is in the mountains at the north pole. The daytime temperature at the equator regularly reaches Optimum plus 100, the temperature at which water boils. It is inquisitor central from which the young prelates venture forth when they are deemed sufficiently cleansed of evil by the heat. Some never leave, instead working beneath the temple to expand the tunnel system down into the bedrock, where it is much cooler. But there is motivation to get cleansed so they can leave on transports hired by the order. Except for weapons used to do gods work the Avestites do without most technology. It is said that while they know which noble is sleeping with which peasant 50 thousand light-years away, the Avestites don't know what's going on in orbit around their own planet. Were it not for the support of the Li Halan, one might believe ships would just stop coming to Pyr and the all male order would be allowed to quietly go extinct.


Rampart: Li Halan World

Class:B Population: 900 Million

Industry: Durables, Disposables, Agriculture

Language: Trade

Humans: Mostly Greek

Ambassador: Rampart is represented by Kish in the council of worlds

Ruler: Grand Vizier Ming Tai Zhang, in his Eighties he is the Twelfth Governor the Li Halan have sent since the world was taken 170 years ago. He is ready to tell any one who will listen that he is too old for this. He wears silk robes and walks with a stoop.

It was a League world but when Darkon formed the Confederacy Rampart chose to side with the Confederacy against the Church. Li Halan seized the world which was only a jump away. The people are still rebellious and refuse to be put into the Li Halan's rigid caste system. They are trying to demechanize the planet and force an agrarian life onto the people. It has met with mixed success.


Ravenna: Hawkwood World

Class:E Population: 130 million

Industry: Agriculture

Language: Skaldic

Humans: Greek

Ambassador: Lord Ulysses Octavius Hawkwood, Earl of Canala, in his early forties he is recently married to a Hazat princess who is more then a handful for an otherwise gentle man from a pastoral world.

Ruler: His Grace Benjamin Telemachos Hawkwood, Duke Ravenna, in his late fifties the duke has turned to sport as his favorite past time and is an excellent athlete.

Ravenna is a forested and pastoral world like most Hawkwood planets, and is the sit of the Summer Palace, the vacation retreat of the Emperor. It sits with its minimum staff overlooking a plush valley where sheep and llamas are raised for decades. The Emperor comes and brings the entire court. Dreadnought battle ships orbit the planet, the palace is filled with activity, the Jumpgate explodes with traffic. The emperor could stay for a week or a decade, no one knows. And then it is gone, leaving a mess to be cleaned up. When the emperor marries it is here that he and his bride will have their honey moon.


Richmulot: Church

Class:C Pop:1.6 Billion

Industry: Durable, Disposable, Silicate Guilds

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatic

The Population was heavily depleted by a plague introduced 15 years ago to the vast Archologies. Ponte-a-Musean is home to 6 Million people though the Archology could accommodate 20 billion comfortably. The Grand City of St. Ronges is home to only 3 million though it once had a population of 16 billion. Mortiguy once held 13 billion people and now holds 7 million. Founded by a family of Silicates it was once known for integrating computers and IT from Kartekass into consumer goods. Now it serves as a collection of monasteries and hermitages for the Church of the Pancreator.


Sanguina: Li Halan

Class:D Pop: No Permanent

Industry: Mining and Materials Guild

This planet had an abundance of coal oil, and natural gas. The Entire Planet was owned by a single Firm, Industrial Chemical, and has had no other Development, despite its varied terrain and potential for colonization. The Li Halan have made it into a nature preserve. There are rumors that all sorts of strange beasts from the genetic engineering days of the empire roam the wilds, they allow no one to land to find out.



Class:E Population: 90 thousand.

Industry: Agriculture

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Ambassador: Severus is represented by its ruler.

Ruler: Prince Hyram Decados, the ruler of the Family, who spends all of his time off world on Byzantium Secondus. He is the Ruler of the Decados family and in his mid fifties. He says he doesn't have time for his home world.

Severus was offered as a sanctuary during the Darkon Confederacy wars. Any one who would swear allegiance to the House would even have their passage paid for. Many refugees took them up on the offer, much to their regret. The planet is a lush and life filled jungle, with deep blue seas. And some of the most vicious life form ever invented. Legend says that the Decados commissioned the genetic engineering of beasts of war on their former home planet many thousands of years ago. They got loose and the survivors roam the jungles hunting one another and any human foolish enough to venture out into it.


Shaprut: al Malik

Class:C Population:40 million

Industry: Mining

Language: Trade

Humans: Asiatics

Ambassador: Prince Idris Maroof al Malik, a young man in his early twenties. He was granted the post of ambassador by his father the Duke. He has dark hair and eyes and a boisterous energy. It is hoped that he will befriend the young Emperor.

Ruler: His Grace Jaffar Idris al Malik, Duke Shaprut. In his late sixties he has grown weary of the day in and day out grind of ruling an otherwise unremarkable mining world.

The soils are to acidic for all but specially engineered scrub to grow in, and the oceans support only micro organisms that actually flourish in the wastes from the mining operations.


Stigmata: Imperial Protectorate

Class:A Population: 2 million

Industry: Military

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Governor: Prince Edwin Hawkwood, brother of Duke Revenna. He has light hair like his mother. He is in his mid forties and has been in military service to the Emperor for many years. He was a young officer of only 15 beginning his first tour during the last incursion by Symbiots. He remembers the ships that were infected, and watching from the bridge of the command ship as it fired on them, targeting their plasma stores. He worries about the young men under his command.

Stigmata itself is uninhabited, but quite habitable. Once covered with forests all life was exterminated with neutron bombs long ago. The radiation has long since returned to back ground levels. It is used as a supply depot but not even a barracks is erected on the planet. One ship is kept in orbit in case a Symbiot vessel breaks through the line at the gate and tries to land, creating a bridge head in human space.


Sithicus: Hazat

Class:B Pop:600 Million

Industry: Hospitality, Entertainment, Spiritual, Law Guilds

Language: Setar

Ruler: Edmond Hazat, Duke Sithicus. A tall man with a pointed nose and a flat bowl hair cut.

Home to the riotous Daemon as their adopted home planet. Bubbling hot springs and impressive vistas attract many visitors. The Collage of Law is here. Officers in the Imperial Forces study Duty at the Academy. Some Daemon are born with Uncanny Beauty and often enter the Entertainment industry as models and actors.


Sutek: Hazat

Class:B Population:4 billion

Industry: Agriculture, Durables, Entertainment, Hospitality, Artifacts.

Ambassador: Karlos Atigonne Demarl de'Sutek, a very old Hazat Military commander that rose up through the ranks. His body is scared from close calls and he wears a patch over one eye rather then get cybernetics, he calls his old wounds Red Badges of Courage.

Ruler: His Grace Francis Tobias de'Marco, Duke Sutek. He is a powerfully built man in his late fifties with a horde of children whom he is desperately trying to marry off. He has a hunted look about him as his wife survived child birth 14 times, all but one are daughters. And the son, is only six years old, and the youngest.

Sutek was the first world settled by the First Republic outside of the old Triangle Worlds. Sometimes artifacts are found in the ruins which fetch a high price if sold to an engineer, but most such troves are long since looted. Sutek is home to one of the marvels of the universe, a giant tower rising from its equator and up into orbit, an elevator that lifts materials in to space and brings supplies back down. Once, it is said, every world in known space had one but they were often targets of attack. The technology, which came from the second republic is lost, but some how this one Orbital Lift survived.


Sourange: Decados Protectorate

Class:F Pop:5 Million Orcs

Industry: Slaves Guild

Language: Cathari

The orcs live in primitive squalor on this planet which ranges from icy fens at the poles to vast swamps in the equatorial region. There are salty stretches of open water and the smell of decay pervades the planet. It is the Orc home world, and only they ever go there. Native technology is little better then stone aged with imported gadgets mixed in. Giant saurian reptiles roam the swamps and feed on the Orcs who fight against them constantly.

Sri Raji: Class:D Pop: 600 Million Humans

Industry: Pagan Spiritualism

Language: Hindu

Humans: Hindu

This steamy world was settled by humans from India and a number of Kahn rifted to the planet many hundreds of years ago. The planets spiritualism attracts many visitors and is the only export of note the complex mythos that goes with it, mixed with Zen Buddhism. The Eskatonics protect this world and have done so for millennia as a source of ancient wisdom.


Stantun Bluffs: Guild World

Class:C Pop:1 Billion

Industry: MusterGuild

More Hospitable then Blutspur to their human Slaves the Metabalese had this as their stock world from which they breed and distribute humans. The Humans themselves were kept in relatively primitive if controlled environments. A small moon is used as a prison colony by the Empire and are guarded by Muster Elite mercenaries.


Tethys: Imperial Protectorate

Class: D Population: 200 thousand

Industry: Durables

Language: Trade

Humans: Any

Governor: Mustapha ibn Ibrahim, Provincial Secretary. Appointed by the previous Emperor he is the a portly asiatic from an al Malik world. He wears lose robes in the warm weather.

Tethys was once a mineral rich world but it was stripped of its mineral wealth during the second republic by some means unknown to modern men. It left vast field of glass, shattered and sharp, and drifting mountains of sand. Vast oceans are drained to tiny seas, and the planet experiences wide shifts in day time and nighttime temperatures. Tethys however is the home of the Imperial Academy of the Arts. The Emperor supports families of artists with direct pensions who live on Tethys in seclusion. Every fixture and ornament in the imperial palace was made on Tethys. The emperor's own clothes are made here by hand by the finest tailors and seam stresses in the empire, with every material they could ask for at hand. These originals, often worn only once, are duplicated through out the galaxy and mass produced on other worlds. A culture of attention to detail has grown up over the centuries. The artisans of Tethys have vast estates that have been built with earth and plants imported from other worlds. A 1500 year old Oak tree was grown from an acorn brought from Earth itself. The artist conclaves are stunningly beautiful and more are always being built, to satisfy each new artists aesthetics. Some abandoned conclaves have become retirement homes for top level imperial beaurocrats. A planet of stark contrasts.

One of the systems other planets is the training facility of the Imperial Garrison, but access to this planet is strictly controlled.


Tepest: Church

Class:E Pop:6 million

Industry: Slaves Guild

Language: Cathari

Humans: Asiatic

Mountainous and plateau covered, this is a herding planet. The Matriarchs keep the technology level low, roundups are still made from horseback, and the vast amounts of meat are shipped all over the triangle. Human Slaves are not raised or kept here.


Valachan: Hazat

Class:D Pop:90 million

Industry: Disposable Goods, Hospitality, Mining and Materials, Charioteers Guild

Language: Cathari

Humans: Slavic

Heavily fortified it is the frontline of Triangle/Slaad Conflict. The Command Ship Pantera under command of Baron Urik von Kharkov, patrols the system.


Vau: Vau Home World

Class:A Population: 10 billion estimated

Industry: Unknown

Language: Ithari

Humans: all Vau

Ambassador: Vau, she is white skinned and haired. Her irises can change color through hundreds of thousands of shades. She wears long white robes that shimmer rainbow hues as she moves, being all colors instead of none.

Ruler: Primus, nothing is known about this ruler, but what the ambassador answers to him.

The Vau are said to have been created by the Ithari from human slaves thousands of years ago. They are essentially human in size, and appearance, but have been altered so genetically that they can not interbreed with normal humans. Ithari genetics is said to be superior to that achieved by the Second Republic. It is thought that they can communicate using the color pattern in their eyes, but it is such a sophisticated code no spy has ever been able to break it. They are rumored to have psychic powers and were the most closely trusted servants of the vanished Ithari. They have and understand much of the Ithari technology. The Empire tried to invade the planet once, long ago. The Vau have a weapon called the "Hell's Gate" by outsiders, and some today dismiss it as legend. The Vau can open a jump point any where in their solar system and send unwanted ships into the hearts of nearby stars. It is an attack against which there is no defense. The surviving Silicates say that it is possible, but that they lack the technical expertise to make such a weapon. The Humans and Ithari kept the secrets of Jump engines from them, and the Ithari are gone and the humans have forgotten.


Verbrek: Class:E Pop:200,000 Silicates

Industry: Silicate Guild

A wooded planet with vast sandy beaches with the right composition for Silicate reproduction. The Silicates guard the planet jealously, though it takes many centuries to reproduce on this much cooler planet, the young are different then the spawn from their home world, more intellectual and contemplative with a noticeable artistic side, which is absent in the Silicates themselves. But there have been no new offspring since the fall of the Homeworld.