The Robot



Josh, was my first attempt in robot building. It senses obstacles using IR. It can also communicate with the computer with an RS232 interface. Hope the docs found in this page help you build your first robot. :). Also visit which helped me a lot in getting started. For 8051 programing visit . If this link dosent work you could download the zipped file(138K) which contains all the webpages. And for COM port programming.

The links listed above were found after a lot of searching, and were the best i found.

Parts used:

AT89C2051 - The microcontroller

MAX232 - The RS232 level convertor

TSOP1738 - IR receiver


Download the microcontroller code.

Download the code to interface the robot from the computer.

Download the circuit. In the circuit the TSOP1738 connections havent been specified properly. Refer to the its datasheet (linked above) for proper connections.


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