Index page

Eduard Berlov's publications:
1. Berlov E.Ya., 1977: 
Necrophilic beetles of Irkutsk province. // Fauna i ekologia nasekomykh vostochnoi 
Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka, Irkutsk, 1977: 71-86. [in Russian].

2. Berlov E.Ya., et V.G.Shilenkov, 1977: 
Lamellicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia) of South Baikal region. // Fauna i 
ekologia nasekomykh vostochnoi Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka, Irkutsk, 1977: 87-101. 
[in Russian].

3. Berlov E.Ya., 1978: 
Hydrophilid beetles (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) of Irkutsk province. // Nasekomye 
Vostochnoi Sibiri, Irkutsk, 1978: 65-72. [in Russian].

4. Berlov E.Ya., 1979: 
Materials on the scarabs beetles fauna (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) of the Eastern 
Siberia and Far East. // Zhuki Dalnego Vostoka i Vostochnoi Sibiri, Vladivostok, 
1979: 102-110. [in Russian].

5. Berlov E.Ya., et V.N.Tomilova, 1980: 
The Beetles of the vicinity of Irkutsk. // Chlenistonogie Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka, 
Irkutsk, 1980: 67-79. [in Russian].

6. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1984: 
Biology of the ground beetles of the genus Carabus L. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from 
the Baikal region. // Zhestkokrylye Sibiri, Irkutsk, 1984: 67-77. [in Russian].

7. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1984: 
Larvae of the carabid beetle Pterostichus mirus Tschitsch. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) 
from the Baikal region. // Zhestkokrylye Sibiri, Irkutsk, 1984: 77-80. [in Russian].

8. Berlov E.Ya., 1985: 
A key to species of the genus Aphodius Illig. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Baikal 
region. // Nazemnye chlenistonogie Sibiri i Dalnego Vostoka, Irkutsk, 1985: 23-25. 
[in Russian].

9. Shilenkov V.G., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1987: 
A description of the larvae of the Callisthenes elegans Kirsch. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) 
from Kazakhstan. // Ent. obozr., 1987, 66 (3): 584-590. [in Russian].

10. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1989a: 
Biological peculiarities of the subgenus Hemicarabus of the genus Carabus 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Eastern Siberia. // Zool. zhurn., 1989, 68 (8): 148-150. 
[in Russian].

11. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov E., 1989b: 
The ground beetle Carabus jankowskii Obth. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the 
southern Primorie and its life cycle. // Ent. obozr., 1989, 68 (3): 508-510. [in Russian].

12. Berlov E.Ya., 1989a: 
New data on the scarabs beetles fauna (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) of the Eastern 
Siberia and Far East of the USSR. // Nasekomye i paukoobraznye Sibiri, Irkutsk, 
1989: 77-84. [in Russian].

13. Berlov E.Ya., 1989b: 
Subfamily Aphodiinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). // Key-book of the insects of the 
Soviet Far East (Coleoptera), Leningrad, 1989, Volume 3 (1): 387-402. [in Russian].

14. Berlov E.Ya., 1989c: 
Subfamily Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). // Key-book of the insects of the 
Soviet Far East (Coleoptera), Leningrad, 1989, Volume 3 (1): 402-408. [in Russian].

15. Berlov E.Ya., et A.G.Shatrovsky, 1989: 
Sphaeridium densepunctatum sp. n. (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae). // Key-book of the 
insects of the Soviet Far East (Coleoptera), Leningrad, 1989, Volume 3 (1): 276-277. 
[in Russian].

16. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1990: 
Breeding of the rare ground beetles in captivity. // Unikalnye ob’ekty zhyvoi prirody 
basseina Baikala, Novosibirsk, 1990: 76-80. [in Russian].

17. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1992a: 
Biology of the ground-beetle Carabus (Acoptolabrus) lopatini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) 
in laboratory. // Zool. zhurn., 1992, 71 (6): 151-153. [in Russian].

18. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1992b: 
Biology of the ground beetles of the genus Calosoma from Siberia and Far East 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae). // Zoologicheskie issledovania v Vostochnoy Sibiri, 
Irkutsk Agricultural Institut, 1992: 3-6. [in Russian].

19. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1992: 
Beetles of the genus Sphaeridium F. (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) from Siberia and 
Far East. // Zoologicheskie issledovania v Vostochnoy Sibiri,  Irkutsk Agricultural 
Institut, 1992: 6-10. [in Russian].

20. Berlov E.Ya., 1996: 
Family Scarabaeidae, (supplement 1: Subfamily Aphodiinae). // Key-book of the 
insects of the Far East of Russia (Coleoptera), Vladivostok, 1996, Volume 3 (3): 415. 
[in Russian].

21. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1996a: 
New species of the subgenus Bothriopterus Chaudoir of the genus Pterostichus 
Bonelli  (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Eastern Siberia and Far East. // 
Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1996, 
Volume «Biological»: 55-60. [in Russian].

22. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1996b: 
A computering key to species of the genus Pterostichus Bonelli (Coleoptera, 
Carabidae) from Ust-Ordinsky Buryatian autonomous region of Irkutsk province. // 
Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1996, 
Volume «Biological»: 60-63. [in Russian].

23. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1996a: 
New and interesting records of the Carabidae, Dytiscidae and Gyrinidae (Coleoptera) 
from Irkutsk province. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1996, Volume «Biological»: 64-67. [in Russian].

24. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1996b: 
Catalogue  of the predaceous diving beetles (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae) of Asian part 
of Russia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1996, 
Volume «Biological»: 68-75. [in Russian].

25. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1996c: 
Two new subspecies of the ground-beetle Carabus (Megodontus) vietinghoffi Adams
(Coleoptera, Carabidae). // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1996, Volume 2: 3-6. [in Russian].

26. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1996d: 
Pterostichus (Cryobius) palekhai sp.n. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Magadan 
province. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1996, 
Volume 2: 15. [in Russian].

27. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1996c: 
New species of the genus Pterostichus Bonelli (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Far East. 
// Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1996, Volume 2: 16-19. 
[in Russian].

28. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1996e: 
New taxones of the subgenus Petrophilus Chaudoir of the genus Pterostichus Bonelli 
(Coleoptera,Carabidae) from Eastern Kazakhstan. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State 
Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1996, Volume 2: 20-25. [in Russian].

29. Berlov E.Ya., 1997a: 
Scarabs beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Altai, Khakasia and Tuva. // Vestnik 
of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 3: 36-40. 
[in Russian].

30. Berlov E.Ya., 1997b: 
First record of Haliplus basinotatus Zimmermann (Coleoptera, Haliplidae) in 
Transbaikalia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, 
Volume 3: 40. [in Russian].

31. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997a: 
Materials on the ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the North of the 
Irkutsk province. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, 
Volume 3: 41-43. [in Russian].

32. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997b: 
A contribution to the ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the sand 
biotopes of the Baikal-Transbaikal geographic region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State 
Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 3: 44-45. [in Russian].

33. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997c: 
Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the swamp biotopes of the southern Baikal 
region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, 
Volume 3: 46-48. [in Russian].

34. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1997a: 
A new species of the genus Pterostichus Bonelli (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from 
Sakhalin Island. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, 
Volume 4: 47-49. [in Russian].

35. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1997b: 
A new subspecies of the Pterostichus (Lenapterus) agonus Horn (Coleoptera, 
Carabidae) from Yakutia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 4: 50. [in Russian].

36. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997d: 
Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the anthropogen biotopes of Khabarovsk. 
// Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 4: 51-52. 
[in Russian].

37. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997e: 
Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Sakhalin Island. // Vestnik of the 
Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 4: 52-56. [in Russian].

38. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997f: 
A contribution to the biology of the ground beetle Pterostichus eximius A.Morawitz 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the Transbaikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State 
Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 5: 35. [in Russian].

39. Berlov O., et E.Berlov, 1997c: 
A key to species of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Sakhalin 
Island. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, 
Volume 5: 36-46. [in English].

40. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997g: 
Breeding in captivity of the ground beetle Carabus (Cratocephalus) cicatricosus 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Kazakhstan. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural 
Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 6: 36. [in Russian].

41. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997h:
Peculiarities of biology of the ground beetle Pterostichus nigrita (Coleoptera, 
Carabidae) from Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 6: 37. [in Russian].

42. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1997d:
Catalogue  of the ground beetles of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) 
from Yakutia, Baikal region and North Mongolia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State 
Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 6: 38-41. [in Russian].

43. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1997e:
On preimaginal development of the ground beetle Agonum sexpunctatum 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae). // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 7: 31. [in Russian].

44. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1997f:
Breeding of the ground beetle Poecilus versicolor (Coleoptera, Carabidae) at 
insectarium. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, 
Volume 7: 32. [in Russian].

45. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1997g:
Biology of the ground beetle Pterostichus (Bothriopterus) oblongopunctatus 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State 
Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 7: 33. [in Russian].

46. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997i:
Life cycle of the three siberian populations of the ground beetle Carabus granulatus 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae). // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 7: 34-36. [in Russian].

47. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997k:
Notes on the ground beetle Carabus (Procerus) scabrosus tauricus (Coleoptera, 
Carabidae). // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, 
Volume 7: 37-40. [in Russian].

48. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997l: 
Preimaginal development of the ground beetle Carabus hummeli (Coleoptera, 
Carabidae) from the southern Primorie. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural 
Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 8: 41. [in Russian].

49. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1997m:
Biology of ground beetles of the subgenus Morphocarabus of the genus Carabus 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State 
Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1997, Volume 9: 39-41. [in Russian].

50. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1998a:
Biological peculiarities of the far-eastern populations of the ground beetle Carabus 
granulatus (Coleoptera, Carabidae). // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural 
Academy, Irkutsk, 1998, Volume 10: 40-41. [in Russian].

51. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1998b:
Breeding of the ground beetle Pterostichus (Myosodus) variabilis (Coleoptera, 
Carabidae) from the Caucasus. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1998, Volume 10: 41. [in Russian].

52. Berlov O., et E.Berlov, 1998a:
A key to species of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Sakhalin 
Island. // Entomological News from Russia, Saratov, 1998, Volume 1(2): 1-10. 
[Reprint of the publication 40]. [in English].

53. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1998c:
Postembryonic development of Carabus staudingeri (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from 
Tajikistan. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1998, 
Volume 11: 46. [in Russian].

54. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1998b:
About species of the subgenus Melanius of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, 
Carabidae) of Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1998, Volume 11: 47. [in Russian].

55. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1998c:
Breeding of the ground beetle Pterostichus gibbicollis (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from 
Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1998, 
Volume 11: 48. [in Russian].

56. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1998d:
Biology of the ground beetle Pterostichus (Lenapterus) wellschmiedi (Coleoptera, 
Carabidae) from Sakhalin. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, 
Irkutsk, 1998, Volume 11: 49. [in Russian].

57. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1998e:
Biology of the ground beetle Blethisa tuberculata (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from 
Buryatia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1998, 
Volume 11: 49. [in Russian].

58. Berlov E.Ya., et A.V.Anistschenko, 1998:
New and interesting records of the Scarabs beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from 
Transbaikalia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1998, 
Volume 13: 34-35. [in Russian].

59. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1998f:
Breeding of the ground beetle Pterostichus (Steropus) parens (Coleoptera, Carabidae) 
from Buryatia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1998, 
Volume 13: 35-36. [in Russian].

60. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1998d:
A key to subgenera of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Yakutia, 
Baikal region and North Mongolia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural 
Academy, Irkutsk, 1998, Volume 13: 36-41. [in Russian].

61. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1998e:
A contribution to the taxonomy of the ground beetles Nebria ochotica and N. altaica 
(Coleoptera, Carabidae). // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 
1998, Volume 13: 42. [in Russian].

62. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, (1998) 1999:
Problems and results of studies on ground-beetles of the genus Pterostichus 

(Coleoptera, Carabidae) in Baikal region. // Entomological problems of Baikalian
Siberia, Novosibirsk: "Nauka", (1998) 1999: 9-14. [in Russian]. 63. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1999a: Breeding of Pterostichus haptoderoides (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 14: 61. [in Russian]. 64. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1999a: A key to species of the subgenus Stereocerus of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, Carabidae). // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 14: 62-64. [in Russian]. 65. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1999b: A contribution to the taxonomy of the ground beetles Pterostichus niger and Pterostichus planipennis (Coleoptera, Carabidae). // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 14: 64-65. [in Russian]. 66. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1999b: Breeding of Pterostichus diligens (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 15: 70-71. [in Russian]. 67. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1999c: Two new species of the subgenus Argutor of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Russia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 15: 71-75. [in Russian]. 68. Berlov O., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1999d: A new taxon of the subgenus Steropus (Coleoptera, Carabidae: Pterostichus) from the Far East. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 15: 75. [in Russian]. 69. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1999c: Preimaginal development of the Silpha perforata (Coleoptera, Silphidae) from the Eastern Siberia. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 17: 43-44. [in Russian]. 70. Berlov E.Ya. 1999: Biological peculiarities of the Blithophaga opaca (Coleoptera, Silphidae) from Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 17: 44. [in Russian]. 71. Anistschenko A.V., O.Berlov, E.Ya.Berlov, 1999: Subgenus Plectes F.-W. / Addition to the "Key to subgenera of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Yakutia, Baikal region and North Mongolia". // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 17: 45. [in Russian]. 72. Berlov O., E.Ya.Berlov, A.V.Anistschenko, 1999: Species of the subgenus Cryobius of the genus Pterostichus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the South of Irkutsk province. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 17: 46-47. [in Russian]. 73. Berlov O., E.Ya.Berlov, V.G.Bezborodov, 1999: A contribution to the ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Amurskaya oblast. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 18: 6-8. [in Russian]. 74. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1999d: Breeding in captivity of the ground beetle Carabus (Ophiocarabus) aeneolus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Kazakhstan. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 18: 8. [in Russian]. 75. Shavrin A.V., et E.Ya.Berlov, 1999: A contribution to the Staphylinid beetle fauna (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Sakhalin Island. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 18: 9-12. [in Russian]. 76. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 1999e: New record of the ground beetle Amara nigricornis (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the Far East. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 1999, Volume 18: 12. [in Russian]. 77. Berlov E.Ya., 2000a: Sphaerites politus (Coleoptera, Sphaeritidae) - a new species from entomofauna of Sakhalin Island. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 2000, Volume 19: 6. [in Russian]. 78. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 2000a: Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) - a consumer of Amelanchier from Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 2000, Volume 19: 7. [in Russian]. 79. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 2000b: New records of Issoria lathonia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in Baikal region. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 2000, Volume 19: 7-8. [in Russian]. 80. Berlov E.Ya., et O.Berlov, 2000c: First record of Nordmannia w-album (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Irkutsk. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 2000, Volume 19: 8. [in Russian]. 81. Berlov E.Ya., 2000b: Postembryonic development of the Oiceoptoma thoracicum (Coleoptera, Silphidae) from Sakhalin Island. // Vestnik of the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk, 2000, Volume 19: 14. [in Russian].

Index page