Favorite Web Sites
Anencephaly Support Foundation.
This site gives good information and medical articles about anencephaly. It also has personal stories.
Hygeia: Online Journal for Pregnancy and Neonatal Loss  
This site has good medical information on genetic disorders and loss.
A Heartbreaking Choice
A support site for parents who have interrupted their pregnancy after poor prenatal diagnosis and for the professionals that provide their care.
A Place To Remember
Publishes and provides support materials and resources for anyone who has been touched by a crisis in pregnancy or death of a baby
Centering Corporation
Grief Resource Center
M.I.S.S. Mothers In Sympathy and Support
A safe place for parents to share their grief after the death of a child. Grief education for parents and professionals is the main focus. It is loaded with information.
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We are always checking out and adding new web sites.  If you know of one worth looking into and possibly adding please send us an email, just click on teddy.