The GG Allin SuperSite Media Guide

AW - #32 - 05-MAY-1993

G.G. Allin

He's baaaack...

Are you still going to stick dynamite up your ass and blow yourself up on Halloween?

I'm not making any promises on that. Right now, I've got too many battles to fight. It'll still happen, probably in the next three years. But I don't wanna put a date on it. After doing all this prison time, there's so many things for me to do right now.

The whole thing is I don't preach premature suicide. It has to be at the right time and I don't believe I've reached my peak yet. Until I have, it would be useless for me to do so. Right now, I think there are too many people who want me to do so. That alone makes me want to stick around and keep fucking with people.

This past year has opened a lot more doors for my hatred. So I'll be around for a little while longer. Unless I get killed on this tour, which is possible. There's been a lot of death threats, but the tour must go on.

What new songs are you going to record with Don Fury?

Well, the name of the album tentatively is Brutality and Bloodshed For All. We've got one song called 'I Kill Everything I Fuck,' which is pro-AIDS. 'My Sadistic Killing Spree,' 'Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat & Crucify,' 'Put Terror in America,' 'I'll Slice Your Fuckin' Throat,' 'Legalize Murder,' 'Rough & Bloody' 'Torture with Intent To Mutilate,' 'Take Aim & Fire,' 'Bastard Son of a Loaded Gun,' 'Furious Psychopath,' 'Highest Power,' 'I Sentence Thee To Me.' That's just a few of the titles.

This album is going to be the most brutal and outspoken. That's probably hard to believe. How can I outdo myself? But I always do.

I don't know whose going to put it out. I'm only going to put it out on a label that will fully support it. Since 1989 when I started doing my prison time, there's been a lot of releases, but this is the first domestic studio album I've done since 1988. The Antiseen album I did, but that was a European release. The last album I did in America, actually went into the studio and recorded, was Freaks, Faggots, Drunks and Junkies. In between there, there's been live albums.

The single you have out now on Railroad Records with a band called the Southern Baptists is 'Look Into My Eyes and Hate Me b/w Hotel Clermont.' Comment on those songs. The first one is pretty obvious, but what about the flipside?

I was living in Atlanta for two months while I was on parole in a whorehouse down there. My intent was to go down for a couple weeks. I ended up staying for a couple months, because it was just an amazing time.

And I met these guys in Atlanta, a bunch of boneheads I met in a bar. They said, 'Let's go into the studio.' So we did. I didn't have anything in mind. We just went in and while they were playing, I was writing the lyrics down on a Budweiser box. I came up with 'Look Into My Eyes and Hate Me' and the one on the flipside. I just went through my mind about what had happened during those two months.

If you could imagine in your wildest dreams what could be happening in that motel, it probably happened. It got to the point where I said to myself, 'I've got to get out of here or I'm going back to prison.' I was getting in fights and I had women chained to my bed and people coming up with whips and handcuffs and knives and guns. I was like, 'Whooo, this is great, but, hey, I just got out of prison. I've got a tour to do.' But it was a really great two months. I'd go back and do it all again.

They would do whatever I wanted. When the one girl came up with a dagger and a whip and the chains and the handcuffs and all that. It pretty much made what I did in Ann Arbor, which I did time for...we were cutting each other up and having a great time.

Was it worse than what you got popped for...aggravated assault with intent to mutilate?

I would think so.

You got popped a second time for violating parole?

Every show we did, the police were there and I got arrested at most of them. But when we played in Santa Barbara, at the end of our show, a riot broke out. The police called my parole agent and said, 'You've got a guy out here causing chaos.' Finally, when I got arrested I Austin, that was it. They found out I had the parole violation warrant. The tour was over. I had to spend another year in prison.

Is it going to happen again on this upcoming tour?

I'm not on parole right now. I maxed out. I did all my time. Michigan has no ties on me whatsoever, but, of course, there's always going to be arrests. I'm not going to compromise for anybody or anything. The show will be just as violent, brutal and bloody, if not more so. There never have been any limits or laws at my shows and there never will be.

The Murder Junkies are your brother Merle on bass, Bill Weber on guitar and Donald Sachs on drums. What makes them want to tour with you given the hardships involved?

I'm sure it's frustrating for them, because the money we make seems to go towards bail and hospital bills and paying off busted equipment. So we don't go out there with the idea of making money. You don't get involved with G.G. Allin to make money or pick up women or for fame or fun. You get involved because it's a real war if you believe in what the real underground of rock 'n' roll stands for. That's why people play with me. They wanna experience it. They might not wanna be there for long, because it's not fun. It's very brutal and painful. But they want to experience what the real rock 'n' roll underground is all about.

It's not about the Lollapalooza tours or the CMJ festivals or all these wonderful alternative events. To me, that's a bunch of corporate bullshit. If they really wanna see a true representation of what underground rock 'n' roll stands for, they've got to tour with me.

People who believe in and follow me are really sick and tired of the frauds and the phonies with the fake blood and all the show. When they see me, they don't really know what to expect. They don't know if I'm going to show up or what kind of mood I'm going to be in, but they do know that it's real. They know I'm not going to back down or conform and that I'm speaking for the real rebels, outcasts, misfits and terrorists.

I get 50 to 70 letters a week from people that say, 'I'm with you. I'm an ally. I believe in what you say.' The powers that be don't want you to know that, but it keeps growing. But I'm not doing this for anybody else but me.

The only friend I've ever had in life was the music I created. For me, rock 'n' roll has to be the ultimate weapon of revenge. Most people today get into music for money, fame, women. Those are the wrong reasons to get involved in rock 'n' roll. The reason you need to get involved is for revenge, a platform for things to say. You need to take a stand. You need to just do it. You can't talk about it, because actions speak louder than words. So a lot of the words I write, I live up to.

Have you seen Hated, the documentary Todd Phillips made about you?

I haven't but I will. It's going to be at the New York Film Festival.

Phillips is a student at NYU's film school and Hated is his thesis project?

Right. He won some award with the film and a scholarship, a trip to Hollywood to be a part of a film out there and a few thousand dollars. Apparently, it won first prize at his school. I read a rave review in Screw. Everybody I've talked to say it hits on every level.

There's footage of your mom in there and the town you grew up in. What are your feelings about that?

I don't know what she said. She hasn't really been in touch with me closely for many years. But I suppose the early years she would know. But the biography that's being written about me now is really important, because it has everything from day one to present time.

Who's writing that?

Joe Cauglin, a freelance writer from Boston. He's real good. Right now, he's about 200 pages into it and we're looking at about 400 to 500. He's been working on it for a year.

Does the film Hated and the biography get into the death wish that you have? Not only for yourself but the promotion of suicide's almost like a Japanese philosophy for you. Self-inflicted death is an honorable end?

This book is going to be so informative. There are things in it that I didn't know, like how my parents met. He went back and interviewed a lot of my ancestors. I've done many interviews with him and gotten very deep and philosophical.

For the people who think that I'm just a retarded exhibitionist, it's going to explain the theory of why I do what I do. We're writing this book not just to be on the shelf at some independent record store but in the hopes that it will make it to a library, because it's a very important book. I think what I do is very important and it must go down as some sort of a footnote in rock 'n' roll history. Who is G.G. Allin and why was he so extreme? Why did he go to prison for what he believed in and why does he continue to want to break the law? It's important that people know the seriousness of what I do. This book will definitely put that all in perspective.

The main reason is nonconformity?

Right and the fact that rock 'n' roll has definitely sold out.

But it goes beyond rock 'n' roll. You're worse offstage than onstage.

Yeah, I can be. It does bleed over. But the onstage is the release. That's the therapy. If there are long periods of time that I'm not onstage, my inside combustion will leak out. That's why it's important that I tour, because if I didn't tour, I could be a very dangerous person. That's why I'm so dangerous onstage. You can only hold that shit in for so long.

What created that inside combustion?

As a very young child, I lived a very chaotic live. I don't blame that on anybody. If anything, it strengthened me. Everything just builds up inside of me. There really isn't much of a release for that, except when I get onstage.

What formed that aspect of your personality? I mean, your mom seems like a decent person.

She is. My mom went through hell. She lived with a man who dug graves under the house. We had no heat, electricity or running water. We lived in a cabin in the woods. He'd bury all the things she liked. He'd beat her and kidnap us. That's my biological father.

The when we finally moved out, she went out with other guys, a bunch of...My mother's a good woman, but her mother kept her like in prison for 18 years. She married this man just to get away from her mother. She just got involved with a lot of people, so me and Merle were witness to things most kids never see in a lifetime.

That made me the individual that I am. That made me really strong, but it also made me distance myself from people. At a very early age I said, 'Fuck all these motherfuckers. I've got to take care of myself. I've got to look after No. 1.' So I always had this distrust for people. That started some sort of fire growing inside.

I've been in bands since before I was 10 years old. I don't know what it's like to not be involved in a band. It's not just something I decided to do because I thought it was cool. It really was the outlet I needed even way back then. It's how I get my feelings out. It's very important.

G.G. Allin & the Murder Junkies will embark upon a national tour this month. To contact Allin, write to P.O. Box 14164, Chicago, IL 60614. The soundtrack to Hatred is available on Performance Records, P.O. Box 156, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Railroad Records can be reached at P.O. Box 54325, Atlanta, GA 30308-0325.


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The GG Allin SuperSite Media Guide - AW - #32 - 05-MAY-1993; (updated 24-JAN-2005)
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