The GG Allin SuperSite Media Guide

Hustler - #8 (V.26) - January 2000

Feed Back

I appeared in HUSTLER's Beaver Hunt in the October 1999 issue, and I want to thank you for printing my photo. Thanks also for an excellent article on my hero, punk-rock legend GG Allin (Live Fast, Die: The Last Days of GG Allin, October 1999). My compliments to your staff of fine professionals. Keep up the good work.

New York, New York

A response to Anastasia's letter was printed.

Hero worship is so un-punk, but thanks for the praise, and for stripping naked and exposing your freaky, tattooed flesh.

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The GG Allin SuperSite Media Guide - Hustler - #8 (V.26) - January 2000; (updated 15-MAR-2005)
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