The GG Allin SuperSite Media Guide

correspondence - ??-???-1992

GG Allin Interview

The following interview was conducted via mail with GG Allin while he was being held in jail for a probation violation that occurred in 1992. He was held for about 8 months, then was released without the limitations of probation. It was after this release that he died from a heroin overdose. The following interview serves as an important document in giving his death a context.

When you were arrested in Texas, how were the police treating you?

As you will see by the enclosed police report, I was arrested in Austin, Texas on February 19, 1992. Fuck the police. I hate all authority, they should all be destroyed.

How have the other inmates responded to you?

Nobody fucks with me because I demand my respect. If someone wants to fuck with me, then they better be prepared to fight. I've been locked up too many times and for too long to be playing any fucking games. This is for real.

How much longer do you have to serve?

At this time I'm not sure. I could possibly be out by July or August, but I'm still waiting (on) the parole board('s) final decision.

How much has this return to prison affected your overall mission?

Nothing will ever affect the GG Allin mission. It never has and it never will. The mission rages on. This just adds more bullets to my machine gun mind. The fires will never be put out. My body might be in prison but my mind is everywhere. When I do get out, I'll get my revenge on everyone and everything that put me here. That's the great thing about prison; it gives you time to sort out the enemy and plot your attack.

What are your immediate plans for after your release?

I will waste no time. I plan on returning to New York City to record the next LP with the Murder Junkies and then hit the road hard. A lot more blood must be spilled. I want to spread real danger, destruction and terrorism throughout the underground rock and roll scene and beyond. I'm not fucking around.

Do you still intend to follow through with your Halloween show?

When all battles are fought and all is said and done. One must die where one has lived his strengths. I have lived on stage and that is where I'll die. I will commit suicide at my peak in life. That way my soul will remain in its full power into the next rendezvous. My blood will poison the earth and when I come back I will take over the universe. Suicide is the only way to give death a real and true meaning. Death is the most important event in your life, your last final thrill and adventure. Don't waste it by dying a meaningless death. You must control the moment. It is very important for me to die on stage. I am the underground's rock and roll savior. My words and music will guide my followers and missionaries into doing what needs to be done; to destroy rock and roll as it now stands and rebuild it in my name, in the name of real rebellion and non-conformity. It must be taken back for the real outcasts and misfits.

If you had the opportunity to put a video on MTV, what would the content be like?

A revolutionary video - complete anarchy and chaos. The killing of police, violence and terror against the system, government, assassination of the president, the murder of rock stars and music industry big shots. Slicing through the throats of MTV VJ's and having an orgy in their blood.

What sort of childhood did you and Merle have?

Very chaotic. Full of chances and dangers. We sold drugs, stole, broke into houses, cars, etc. Did whatever we wanted to for the most part - including all the bands we played in. People even hated us back then.

When it's over, what would you like your grave marker to say?

GG ALLIN - The ultimate adventurous, chaotic, dangerous, destructive, violent, challenging, death defying, rock n roll terrorist. Lived and died for the real rock and roll mission.

Of your last three tours, what was the most memorable show and why?

I can't just pick one. They all are part of me and my life. Some of the ones that stick out in my mind would be:

San Diego 1991 - For the sheer confrontational violence and destruction. I have never seen a club left in such an aftermath of devastation. It can't even be put into words. You had to be there to believe it. It looked like the aftermath of a war.

San Francisco (1991) - Because I had just gotten out of the hospital with blood poisoning and was told by doctors I would have to cancel the tour or I could possibly die. But I did the show with nothing held back. It was an amazing event.

Chicago 1991 - It was a fucking bloodbath.

NYC 1991 - 6 minutes of complete violent destruction and broken bones. Within 6 minutes there were 8 police cruisers and 2 ambulances at the club. It was over.

Memphis, TN and Orlando, FL 1991 - For taking the show out into the streets. I was literally chasing crowds of people up both sides of the street, throwing chairs at oncoming cars while running naked and bleeding.

But every show meant something to all of us who were there living it. It was real. It was dangerous. Very unpredictable to say the least. But that's what a GG Allin tour is all about. I go with my interiors. It is my ultimate therapy and revenge. I am the one man army. God, Jesus Christ and Satan - there is no higher power than GG @llin.


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The GG Allin SuperSite Media Guide - correspondence - 1992; (updated 17-MAR-2005)
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