Spin - #10 (V.16) - October 2000

The 100 Sleaziest Moments In Rock

All Talk, No Walk
The Poo-Poo Rocker Wusses Out
[ranked 47th]

GG Allin had been promising to kill himself onstage on Halloween for years. The scum-rock bottom-feeder fronted a series of '80s hardcore bands, including the Scumfucs and the Murder Junkies, but he was known less for his music than for his infamous live gigs - which featured a nude GG pissing at, shitting on, and, if the mood hit him, sexually assaulting his masochistic audiences. These antics got Allin (a.k.a. the "Poo-Poo Rocker") arrested more than 50 times (he spent several years in prison). Yet the little weasel never made good on his Halloween promise. Allin's final performance, a ten-minute show on June 27, 1993 at New York City's Gas Station club, ended with Allin flying through a glass door and inciting an audience riot. Later that night he died alone in his Lower East Side apartment - not a suicide but a heroin overdose. Wuss.

David J. Prince

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