unknown publication - 1983

unknown title

Interviewer: What made you decide to get into the punk movement?

GG Allin: Nothing made me decide. I've always been like this.

Interviewer: How did you come about the name of your band?

GG: Well, my band now is The Scumfucs. We decided that because it's us.

Interviewer: What bands, if any, were you in before The Jabbers.

GG: None.

Interviewer: How long have you been playing?

GG: I have been going for about five years now, and will keep going until I get killed.

Interviewer: What material do you have out for public consumption?

GG: Five singles, one LP, two live tapes and a new single due out now. Five song EP. Hard Candy Cock, Out For Blood, I Don't Give A Shit, Drink, Fight and Fuck and Convulsions.

Interviewer: Are you working on any new records or tapes?

GG: The five song EP I just mentioned.

Interviewer: Who writes most of your material?

GG: I do.

Interviewer: Where was your best gig?

GG: They all suck. Actually the one's that hurt the most.

Interviewer: Do you plan on any tours in the near future?

GG: Yeah, as soon as we can get some cash up, we're going to do it, but we're so fucking broke.

Interviewer: How does it feel to be one of the most hated bands in the country?

GG: I have no feelings.

Interviewer: How do you feel towards the critics that review your music and say that it's garbage, trash, etc.?

GG: If they don't like it, fuck them. I could really care less. Critics to me are so unnecessary. If they hate it, it's great.

Interviewer: Why did you have to be removed from the stage at The Frolics in Salsbury by the Salsbury police?

GG: Cause I started pissing on the people in front and got a riot started. I refused to get off the stage and you know the rest.

Interviewer: Why does it seem like some people can't relate to the lyrics that you use in your songs?

GG: Those people don't understand because they don't live it. We write about and do (it) for the street people and the lower class and kids. We do and say whatever we want. Don't compromise. We didn't limit ourselves. Anything goes. Chaos. No rules.

Interviewer: I mean, do you think they're scared of the truth in the lyrics and don't want to think about the meaning behind the songs?

GG: Everyone wants to play it safe. They don't want to hear what we say, but fuck those assholes because we don't care.

Interviewer: Do you get much radio air play?

GG: No.

Interviewer: What are your favorite bands?

GG: Stooges, MC5, Dead Boys, DOA, Cramps, Circle Jerks, etc.

Interviewer: What clubs have you been banned from?

GG: All the ones we've played at.

Interviewer: How would you describe your fans?

GG: Fuck ups, degenerates, scumfucs, people who have no place else to go.

Interviewer: For the people that don't know, how would you describe what your songs are about?

GG: Oral sex, death, anger, adventure, violence, destruction, hatred and pain.

Interviewer: What bands from your area would you recommend?

GG: None.

Interviewer: What kind of political view point, if any, do you take?

GG: I don't involve that shit in this band. We believe in our own politics.

Interviewer: What are your feelings on the current hardcore scene?

GG: Trendy and hypocritical, but not all of it. Anything loud and fast does rule, though.

Interviewer: Where was your last gig at?

GG: A7 in NYC.

Interviewer: Any last stuff you want to add?

GG: Fuck off!


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