unknown publication - unknown date - 1990

GG Allin

Diese, mir von GG zugesandten, Gedichte waren ursprünglich in seirner nahezu unleserlichen Handschrift verfasst. As Gründen des Lesekomforts habe ich diese abgetippt, jedoch unverändert, also mit allen Ferlen, gelassen. In meiner Anfrage, ob er nich etwas für undser Mag schreiben wolle, hatte ich eher an eine Geschichte gedacht, aber Gedichte sind genauso O.K.. Also Leute, zückt die Wörterbücher und rein ins Vergnügen.



Enclosed are some of my most recent writings from prison, instead of writing a story you can just print any or all of these! They all come from within my interior depths. Send me a copy of the zine when it's out.

I'm coming head to fucking head in my battle against the State of Michigan. It should come to a collision real soon. I must beat all of these motherfuckers in any way I can. They fear me because I am the real commanding leader of the underground of R+R. I will never stop fighting. My mission will continue. Get back to me when you get this

Fuck the law
GG Allin

GG Allin - 206045
P.O. Box 1900
Adrian, MI 49221

Out Cold
Lice infected tenements in skulls head growing
As deformed patches of my mind spin simultaneously
Distant wharf rats gather for gutters feast
Ablaze machine gun fire from cities under seize
Dried blood sweet rivers flow swiftly
Look up to us when speaking
My friend black shadow and I
We detest what you say + represent
I'm equipped with excessive tools of my trade
Torture, pain
Don't straddle the fence of mediocrity
Kill with a quickness when betrayed
Love + death are equal gestures of passion
As my gun speaks louder than words
Sever the ties of doubt + contradiction
Condemned, decomposed, dying scent of glory
Do you remember me
Jesus from mothers cunt
As normal as the boy next door
But maybe you should haul aquired about the boy
Fierce, intense triggers now lie awaiting
As a massacre is coming to your town

GG Allin - prison '90

As I retreat to a dark room within my blistering soul
I reload my weapon
Frantically taking inventory of unconnected thoughts
I plot
You see what I only choose to cast upon thee
Like a snakes attack
It deserve you
But swiftly like lightening it kills

GG Allin - prison '90

Sidewalk Walking
Downtown street sidewalks partake between bus seats
Sidewalk walking, penetrates the attack of my outward reflections
Cancel my invitation to the next rendezvous
Compulsive colors conceal an open door to the sidewalks cracks
Pry open the entry to dissolving renovations
Interrogate me now for soon I'll cut out my tongue
Contagious diseases I share unto soiled panties
Water dominating dirt submits to mud
Exchanging your life for my adventure
As calling cards creep into a tombstone
And as sure as light scatters cockroaches
I too am gone as the sun becomes evident

GG Allin - prison '90

Police lies like flushing toilets sucking defecated air
Spin around in a web of useless authority
Shiny motherfuckers in your matching wardrobes
Speak what an ass releases
Suck ass paycheck seeking robots of society
The fucked government puppets
Guard me now mindless man
From the world I do so terrorize
You only rule me in your mind
Because I rule your universe

GG Allin - prison '90

My mind is like a machine gun
My body the bullets
Anyone in my way a target

GG Allin - prison '90

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The GG Allin SuperSite Media Guide - unknown publication - unknown date - 1990; (updated 21-JUN-2004)
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