unknown publication - unknown date - 1994

Punk Rocker's Grave Vandalized

It was one of the more unusual cemetery vandalism incidents to cross a police desk. But then again, the grave involved belonged to an unusual person.

On Friday, workers at Glenwood Cemetery, the main graveyard for the town of Littleton, discovered that someone had dumped empty beer cans, had strewn flowers about, and had damaged some flag holders in a section of the cemetery.

Those types of reports are all too common lately. What made this incident unusual was that someone had also defecated on one of the graves.

That grave is the final resting spot of Kevin M. Allin, better known as "G.G. Allin." Allin is perhaps the most famous person buried at Glenwood, though notorious is probably a word he'd prefer. Amongst other things, the inscription on his new tombstone reads "Rock N Roll Terrorist"

Allin was one of the pioneers of the punk rock music wave in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The lead singer of several bands, he gained a reputation for doing outrageous things on stage.

The defecation incident at his grave would ring bells with many either familiar with his reputation or who had read some of the news reports following his June 1993 death from an accidental drug overdose in New York City.

An oft-told story about Allin involved him getting into a contest with rocker Ozzy Osborne. The two tried to outdo each other by doing something disgusting on stage. Osborne defecated on stage. Allin did as well, then ate it, winning that contest.

Glenwood cemetery workers Pat Kezerian and Ed Daniels told The Caledonian-Record that a string of vandalism incidents began about three weeks ago, after Allin's tombstone arrived from the engravers and was placed over his resting place.

Flowers from nearby graves have been tossed about. Flags have been broken. At least two "perpetual light" candle holders, each valued at more than $70, have also been broken.

But Friday's discovery was the most outrageous yet.

"It's too bad," observed Daniels, who added that if he had a loved one buried near the grave, he wouldn't be too happy about the goings on.

The pair also said they'd heard reports that Allin's brother and former bandmate, Merle Allin, was coming up to visit the grave this weekend, along with many of the deceased's friends from New York's alternative music scene.

The reason for the visit is reportedly to honor what would have been G.G. Allin's 38th birthday this coming Monday.

Littleton Police Sgt. Mike Devine confirmed his department is investigating the incidents in the cemetery and officers are keeping an eye on the place.

Devine also said it doesn't appear to him that Allin's admirers from New York are involved. He is aware of the reports they'll visit this weekend and he has made arrangements for and extra officer to be on duty.

But Devine described their behavior last year at the same time after Allin's funeral as "quite."

Devine said police will enforce state laws about public drinking and local ordinances about on one being in the cemetery after sunset.

Ellen Cronin

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