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  Este cuento formó parte de uno de mis exámenes cuando todavía estudiaba inglés. El único requisito además de la extensión, era que comenzara o terminara con la frase que está destacada. Tardé mas tiempo en encontrar la forma de empezarlo que en escribirlo.

My worst fear

It was dangerous, but I knew I had to do it. I knew it would happen someday, but I had hoped it wouldn´t be so soon. It was the first time in my life I was so frightened, I wanted to scream and run away, but I had turned down that posibility long before. I had been avoiding that risk for months, making up false stories and hiding in the office, not going back home until very late at night, when the shadows would protect me. But it was just a big lie that took everyone in. My great mistake was that I began to believe it too, and that lowered my guard. I suposse I hadn´t been as careful as I needed to be in the last few days. Perhaps it´s because I got tired of running and hidding that I did nothing to stop that treason to myself, although I knew since the first moment I would get trapped someday. I hadn´t slept well that night, just like the one before anda like all the others. I couldn´t stop my nightmares about this minute. While I was having breakfast and reading the newspaper as an attemp not to think about that, she entered the room staring at me in the eyes and holding that lethal weapon in frint of her. "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide" I though "Show her no fear, show her no pain". Slowly, I took a knife from the table and walked towards her. I was sweating and shivering, but I couldn´t let her realise it.
 "It´s delicious, dear!" I said after giving a bite to a slice of the cake she had cooked for me."I knew that those cooking classes would improve even more your skills in the kitchen". She smiled so lovely at me that made me remember why I had married her. Now I´ll need to see the doctor and get some medicine for my stomach, but it is a small price I can gladly pay to see my loved wife happy and proud of herself.

matias ariel seoane