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Mama's MOron Missives (Daniel Sam W.)
NewDayNews Crossfire Archive #8
Re: Mama's MOron Missives
Posted By: Ricky
Date: Thursday, 28 March 2002, at 2:33 p.m.

In Response To: Mama's MOron Missives (Daniel Sam W.)
It is my belief that Mama Maria never wanted to have kids--ever. I have never felt love from her the way that I've seen normal, well-adjusted parents give love to their kids. In fact, it's been just the opposite.
Both Techi and I have only ever been "good assets" for them to have. We were a political commodity to be used and abused by my mother. I don't think Techi would admit to this, but I know she knows it to be true as well.
(Forgive me if I skip around a bit as I'm in a hurry.) My mother was very thankful for Techi because she fulfilled a great need in Berg's life. As you know, he would often suffer from deep depression (and rightfully so) whenever he would stop long enough to think about all his dirty deeds.
He called Techi "the lifter up of his head", and just by her sweet nature, love, and child's acceptance, he would in some way in his twisted mind, be validated (not to mention all the other MOrons following him that certainly helped in the matter).
I guess we each had different uses, but there was never any genuine love or concern for us as human beings. Sure we had much more materially than probably every other Family member did, but when we didn't live up to the twisted standard, life was miserable.
I never felt any desire from my mother or Berg to want me to better myself emotionally, physically or mentally just because they loved me and wanted to help me as a person. Everything they ever did to me or for me was with the ulterior motive of wanting me to be the best little cultist I could be. They had to prove to the world that they were right, what they said really was true, and they were deserving of everybody's love and loyalty and the power they held over people's minds and souls.
Elixcia even commented to me the first time she saw Mama Maria and I together how relatively cold and calculating she was with me compared with the mother/child relationships she had known, and how of course, she thought Maria's and mine would be.
> Has anyone noticed that Mama Maria doesn't
> just write to Ricky as though he were a
> little child? Her letter to Ricky is the
> same way she writes to the entire Family.
> It's like she doesn't think any Family
> member has an elevator that goes to the top
> floor.She KNOWS they don't, because that's
> where she IS, on the TOP FLOOR. I always
> thought that the Mo letter "The Asylum" is about the Family. A
> 'nut-house" run by "NICE
> LADIES". In "The Asylum",
> "they kept all the NUTS on the TOP
> FLOOR". In fact, that's where Mo was in
> the dream and where he is, you know Mama is
> there beside him. And in most organizations
> that's where the LEADERS offices are, on the
> TOP FLOOR! So, if my final interpretation is
> correct, "The Family" IS 'The
> Asylum" run by "NICE ladies"
> and the craziest "NUTS" are the
> LEADERS on the "TOP FLOOR"-- And
> that's why Mama Maria writes to ALL her
> children in The Family as if they were
> MOrons!---Whadaya think Joel?

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