Eldon Nafziger's genealogy page
I have spent several months gathering this information about my ancestors. This has been a very interesting process and I have learned much. Most of my ancestors from the 1600's were Amish Mennonite and I have learned much about Anabaptist history in the process. My family went from Amish to Mennonite early in this century so none of my close relatives in this generation are Amish, but most are Mennonite.
I have not built this as decendants of one of my ancestors but rather I concentrated on my ancestors. As a result I do not have the families (brothers and sisters) of many of my ancestors. One exception to this is the descendants of my maternal grandparents. I have most of the descendants of John A. and Emma Kauffman Kennel.
Click here for my entry Eldon Nafziger
Click here for the entry for John A. Kennel
Click here for the list of surnames
Click here for the list of persons
Most of the information on this site has been taken from the internet and has not been independently verified. If you have any additions or corrections please contact me at e.nafziger@verizon.net
The Yoder connection between America and Europe is probably not correct. There is a connection between the Yoder (Jotter) family in Switzerland and our Yoders in America but I do not know what it is. For more Yoder information check out the Yoder newsletter.
Be sure to check out the notes on many of the pages. For example John Glick has an interesting story about an Indian massacre. These can be reached by clicking on the "NIxxx" under the persons name.
Updated February 24, 2001