Elearning , Interview Questions And Answers


41>*=/ /=- +=* -=+ 4*16/4+20-16=56 32/4*4+20-16=28 32*4/4+32-16=2.5 16*32/4+20-16=640 46> STRUCT U { INT EMP_AGE; FLOAT EMP_SAL; CHAR EMP_NAME[10]; } U1 UNION U1 V1,*P2; P2=&V1; WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ARE CORRECT V1.EMP_AGE P2->EMP_SAL P2->EMP_AGE NONE 90 -------------stores a log of changes made to db,which are then written to _,which are then written to _,which is used if db recovery is necc. A) db buffer share pool b)program global area,shared pool c)system global area,large pool d) redo log buffer,online redo log 76)-------------means allowing objects of difference types to be considered as examples of a higher level set : ans:Generalisation 77:)The primary characteristic of key field is that it must be unique 78)manager-------------- --emp managed by