6. C test: Study pointers very well .Visit www.c4swimmers.esmartguy.com that
helps you to test the C/C++ programming strengths.
It also consists of qs on args of main function, i.e. argc and argv
7. SQL test: It consisted of sql queries mainly inner join, outer join ,group by
statements etc.
8. Unix test: kernel, 1-2 qs on TCP/IP, basic commands ( more on commands).
ER CHECKING ETC..) 1. All birds are animals. All animals are four legged. Implications: a. All animals which are four legged are birds. b. All birds are four legged c. Some birds are four legged d. Some birds are animals but not four legged. 1. a and b 2. b and c 3. only b 4. only d
1. All fat people are not dancers, food loving people are all fat .Find the
contradictory statement?
2. The day before yesterday was WEDNESDAY then the day after
2morrow is? 3. A goes to the party if B goes
B goes to the party if C goes
C goes to the party if D goes Totally how many will go to the party? 4. Mary's father's brother is Andrews Andrews daughter's son is Sunil
Brothers name is Sam Who is Sam to Sunil?
5. If A>B,A<C,B>D,B<DFind the Shortest?
6. There are A,B techers and C,D doctors.Find the possible no of
combinations that should not be repeated more than once?
7. There are 3 males and 2 females,find the possible no of orders that can